HpLVd, information, Vendors, Testing and Reviews

What are you three? I have every right to be pissed a bunch of hotshot amateurs have created a fucking pandemic that are three thousand miles away from me because they are purely motivated by getting filthy rich off the legalization movement. Where were these fucks when I was in Boston pushing Jack Herer around in a wheel chair because we set up a legalization rally in Boston and he had a stroke? He wasn't smoking your weed. Shitting their pull ups that's where. And now they have ruined every grow room from LA to Madrid. You have no clue what research I've done. The ONLY way to to know for certain is lab testing. Which is one more expense I DONT want or need. Sorry if I pissed on a business you're in love with. Are you on the payroll? Where is ground zero for this viroid? California. And even though I live no where near California I suddenly discover the reason my plants have been sucking since EXACTLY 2019 is because for the only time in my life, I bought EXPENSIVE genetics from California. At first I was blaming seed breeders. That's who I thought fucked up. And then because I need SOMETHING I can grow that doesn't suck I started researching seeds and specifically breeders I don't want anymore seed bank shit they don't even know if they are selling counterfeits or not. So as I was researching breeders I find out about this HPLVD bullshit and suddenly everything makes sense. Every SINGLE thing...dud plants, hard rooting clones, brittle stems, lack of terpenes and potency I saw tonight white caking on stems ANOTHER symptom. So you have zero right to tell me I don't have a reason to be pissed EVERYBODY has the right to be pissed. When it was small independent growers you didn't see plant pandemics it would be confined to a few small rooms and it would have been dealt with. With legalization + greed the ENTIRE industry has been turned into a fuck show. So a handful of people on the west coast could make millions while everybody else loses everything. How many crops I'm I going to have to kill? How many seeds am I going to have to buy? You know changing rooting hormones out between every plant is going to get expensive and I have to change scaple blades and gloves between every plant. There are no hops growing anywhere near where I live so why am I dealing with this shit? Plain simple GREED. And Dark Heart Nursery is a business. They aren't being altruistic they are looking out for their own self interest. So I want some information that comes from OUTSIDE the cannabis industry and I don't give a shit if you like it. The only reason I signed up to this forum was to research this bullshit further I have better things to do with my time than argue with idiots who think they are Johnny Weedseed.
What are you three? I have every right to be pissed a bunch of hotshot amateurs have created a fucking pandemic that are three thousand miles away from me because they are purely motivated by getting filthy rich off the legalization movement. Where were these fucks when I was in Boston pushing Jack Herer around in a wheel chair because we set up a legalization rally in Boston and he had a stroke? He wasn't smoking your weed. Shitting their pull ups that's where. And now they have ruined every grow room from LA to Madrid. You have no clue what research I've done. The ONLY way to to know for certain is lab testing. Which is one more expense I DONT want or need. Sorry if I pissed on a business you're in love with. Are you on the payroll? Where is ground zero for this viroid? California. And even though I live no where near California I suddenly discover the reason my plants have been sucking since EXACTLY 2019 is because for the only time in my life, I bought EXPENSIVE genetics from California. At first I was blaming seed breeders. That's who I thought fucked up. And then because I need SOMETHING I can grow that doesn't suck I started researching seeds and specifically breeders I don't want anymore seed bank shit they don't even know if they are selling counterfeits or not. So as I was researching breeders I find out about this HPLVD bullshit and suddenly everything makes sense. Every SINGLE thing...dud plants, hard rooting clones, brittle stems, lack of terpenes and potency I saw tonight white caking on stems ANOTHER symptom. So you have zero right to tell me I don't have a reason to be pissed EVERYBODY has the right to be pissed. When it was small independent growers you didn't see plant pandemics it would be confined to a few small rooms and it would have been dealt with. With legalization + greed the ENTIRE industry has been turned into a fuck show. So a handful of people on the west coast could make millions while everybody else loses everything. How many crops I'm I going to have to kill? How many seeds am I going to have to buy? You know changing rooting hormones out between every plant is going to get expensive and I have to change scaple blades and gloves between every plant. There are no hops growing anywhere near where I live so why am I dealing with this shit? Plain simple GREED. And Dark Heart Nursery is a business. They aren't being altruistic they are looking out for their own self interest. So I want some information that comes from OUTSIDE the cannabis industry and I don't give a shit if you like it. The only reason I signed up to this forum was to research this bullshit further I have better things to do with my time than argue with idiots who think they are Johnny Weedseed.
I watched the dark heart nursery video and I've read everything they put out. I didn't twinkle my nose and the seeds appeared in my hand i did proper due diligence before I bought anything and it's obvious the seeds were infected if two week old branches are snapping off plants for no reason I paid a lot of money for these seeds and they have progressively gotten worse I've been doing thus for 34 years and it pisses me off that people are selling infected genetics. Before all these super growers got into this business the worst I dealt with with was an occasional spidermite

What strain, breeder, and source/seed bank are these from?

Has anyone had a Dark Heart cut actually test positive recently? I've seen several negative tests for their stuff recently but no positive.
What strain, breeder, and source/seed bank are these from?

I bought from Rare Dankness, The Cali Connection, and Humboldt Seed Organization. I was PROUD to be buying American genetics. I thought it was so cool. But now I think it's the biggest mistake I Have ever made.
Has anyone had a Dark Heart cut actually test positive recently? I've seen several negative tests for their stuff recently but no positive.
I might actually trust them at this point but I can't buy their genetics where I am. So their research does nothing for me. And if someone is testing their seedstock for HPLVD AND ships world-wide I would be super stoked about that information, but I can't find anyone online that is claiming they test seeds for it. So there is no way out of this conundrum that I can see except dump thousands on testing because you kind of have to test everything. The one you skip could be the vector for disease. So even at 25 dollars a test I would need to spend 4,000 dollars. Tonight I'm going to kill MORE plants which has become the hallmark of my growroom over the last 3 years. And in order to figure out what's up I have reduced what I grow by 75%. It's utterly ridiculous. I'm germinating seeds, vegetating plants, transplanting them in a larger container and then two or three weeks later killing them. It's more like a vegetative abbatoir than a growroom.
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Easy solution. Just don't get the so called "Great Cuts". If they're so great then why do they carry a pathogen?

Screw cuts, the latest and greatest breeders, seed drops, etc... I'll stick to growing seeds of landrace strains, make my own crosses, and grow great cannabis without dealing with any of this soap opera drama.

I don't bring any foreign clones into my grow. Everything starts from seeds I sprout.

hops can be passed in seed form too, research shows into drilling into infected mother seeds all had hops
I would only test with tumi as they test roots, tassa said in the breeder syndicate they did a super small study with 4 infected plants and they took all sorts of samples stem,leaf,roots etc.... and the most accurate was the roots at 100% accuracy. Not sure if roots are always 100% accurate but I sent in a bunch of sample and some of the plants that always looked healthy and gave no sign of having viriod tested positive along with 4 strains I had suspicion about the last couple weeks after reading alot about the viriod.

Tassa also stated flame/heat does NOT work to sterilize and neither does alcohol it actually spreads it faster. Best bet is 10-20% bleach solution.
And some pics
Runtz - purple city genetics cut
Normal looking cutting(still has viriod)
Definitely a dud candidate with this lateral branching compared to normal looking cut
Dudded buds:spew: and this is the nicer dudded runtz the other looks even shittier. And it smell terrible, nothing like it should. It's pretty much destined for the trash bin
Compared to regular buds that was literally right beside the dudded plant.
And here some Nodes labs Marshmallow OG#9
This one is definitely a dud candidate with these lateral branches
Here's a more normal looking one still doesn't look great but it definitely not as bad as the other one(also has viroid)
And now some dudded buds

Compared to

Figured I'd put up some pics as I saw someone ask for dudded plant pics.
This shits no joke, you don't want it in your garden. Makes some of your top quality bud into absolute bunk. Luckily mine was only around 4 plants that dudded and some others took up some of the extra space the duds left open and made up for some of the loss. But I'm stuck with at least 4+ Oz of trash bud.
I would only test with tumi as they test roots, tassa said in the breeder syndicate they did a super small study with 4 infected plants and they took all sorts of samples stem,leaf,roots etc.... and the most accurate was the roots at 100% accuracy. Not sure if roots are always 100% accurate but I sent in a bunch of sample and some of the plants that always looked healthy and gave no sign of having viriod tested positive along with 4 strains I had suspicion about the last couple weeks after reading alot about the viriod.

Tassa also stated flame/heat does NOT work to sterilize and neither does alcohol it actually spreads it faster. Best bet is 10-20% bleach solution.
How many of your plants tested positive? Totally sucks that you got hit so hard with it, but at least now you know. There are probably a bunch of people on this forum who are in your exact position but don't even know it yet. I don't know if this will help anyone, but a cheaper alternative to buying a pair of clippers for each plant is to use disposable scalpels, and just label and reuse them. I think it's a good practice to keep one for each seed you pop for pruning/topping, etc-they're cheaper and easier to store and disinfect. Bleach is great but the idea of using 10% bleach all the time inside makes me ill to think about. 20% nonfat powdered milk (20 grams p-milk to 100 ml water) is one of the most effective in studies, but it requires soaking time to work, you can't dip a tool in milk and then go right to the next plant. But considering how innocuous milk is vs bleach, it might be worth considering for some purposes, like overnight tool soaking with no fumes.
How many of your plants tested positive? Totally sucks that you got hit so hard with it, but at least now you know. There are probably a bunch of people on this forum who are in your exact position but don't even know it yet. I don't know if this will help anyone, but a cheaper alternative to buying a pair of clippers for each plant is to use disposable scalpels, and just label and reuse them. I think it's a good practice to keep one for each seed you pop for pruning/topping, etc-they're cheaper and easier to store and disinfect. Bleach is great but the idea of using 10% bleach all the time inside makes me ill to think about. 20% nonfat powdered milk (20 grams p-milk to 100 ml water) is one of the most effective in studies, but it requires soaking time to work, you can't dip a tool in milk and then go right to the next plant. But considering how innocuous milk is vs bleach, it might be worth considering for some purposes, like overnight tool soaking with no fumes.
All 5 of my plants from ajn tested positive, I'm assuming one had it and I spread it to the others when cloning and pruning. My best guess is the stunted gushmints was the culprit but who knows. I saw another member mention one of his gushmints looked the same as mine super small, small leaves super slow growing.
Ya sucks having to use bleach al the time but what you gonna do. I like the idea of the disposable scalpel, I'm going to do that. I already had done that for the 2 plants I thought were infected before I had tests done.
Would be super easy to use milk but like you said takes to long to work. Bleach is only 60 seconds and your good.
All 5 of my plants from ajn tested positive, I'm assuming one had it and I spread it to the others when cloning and pruning. My best guess is the stunted gushmints was the culprit but who knows. I saw another member mention one of his gushmints looked the same as mine super small, small leaves super slow growing.
Ya sucks having to use bleach al the time but what you gonna do. I like the idea of the disposable scalpel, I'm going to do that. I already had done that for the 2 plants I thought were infected before I had tests done.
Would be super easy to use milk but like you said takes to long to work. Bleach is only 60 seconds and your good.
I'm sorry, I spaced out bad, I remember from the other day now lol. Thanks for adding all the pics and additional info-those pics are great and really show some good examples of what to look for in affected plants. But like you said, can't trust looks alone! I've seen two positive plants this year that looked not just totally normal, but really really healthy.
I'm sorry, I spaced out bad, I remember from the other day now lol. Thanks for adding all the pics and additional info-those pics are great and really show some good examples of what to look for in affected plants. But like you said, can't trust looks alone! I've seen two positive plants this year that looked not just totally normal, but really really healthy.
Ya my apple fritter hasn't shown any signs and grows phenomenal in flower everytime I've grown it but it tested positive as well