How's this seedling looking? A little over a week old. Purple edges...


At night the temperatures may reach 75 F, but I doubt it goes any lower than that. During the day the temperatures hover between 80 and 90, usually staying around 85 F.


Well-Known Member
Try to keep your temp around 79 Degrees. Once you get over 85 it can cause stress. If it gets to hott then your leaves will crisp up


Try to keep your temp around 79 Degrees. Once you get over 85 it can cause stress. If it gets to hott then your leaves will crisp up
Now the leaves are like curling up, as if it going to fold the leaf shut upwards...
How should the leaves feel? These feel like very dry felt.


Well-Known Member
Looking pretty good for it's age the purping on the leaf edges could be under ferting the plant is wanting a touch more feed.If you can get hold of some bio bizz~plus then put her in this feed her water for the first 14 days ph it at 6.5 and watch her thrive.


Well-Known Member
its looking good for a week it just maybe the strain temps look good so... not sure anout the purple...


Anything over 85 and u start to heat stress your plants.

You do not want this:
*edit what are your lighting details and ventilation?
I attached a picture of what I have, but I'm using two 42 watt CFLs.
One is 2700k. and the other is 6500k.
I have them on 24/7, since this is an autoflowering plant.
I also recently put 7 drops of schultz plant food plus, which is 10-15-10, into the water when I watered it a couple days ago.
That was only half of what the instructions say to use.
I didn't want to risk putting too much.
Edit: I attached some new pictures of the plant.



I'm getting really freaked out about this plant.
if you notice, one of the leaves is not just twisting funny and drooping to the ground.
Also, the leaves are getting very veiny. Part of the leaves are just a standard dull green, but then other parts are vibrantly green with glowing veins while under the light.



Well-Known Member
looks a little messed up...what soil are you using?
are you adding nutes? this early on, they don't really need any.


looks a little messed up...what soil are you using?
are you adding nutes? this early on, they don't really need any.
Miracle Grow Potting Soil, yes I know a lot of people don't like it, but the seedling was doing very well and growing very quickly up until yesterday and today.
I did add some nutes, but it was only half the suggested amount.


Well-Known Member
dude, miracle grow already has a massive amount of nutes in its soil, plus the potting soil has a slow release fertilizer added so every time you're water your baby, some of the nutes get released and are probably stresseing out your plant.

If you can, I recommend transplanting the kid into a larger pot with some nice compost or organic soils like Happy Frog, Ocean Forrest, or Black Gold. These soils have barely any nutes already in the soil so I think it would even out your nute levels


dude, miracle grow already has a massive amount of nutes in its soil, plus the potting soil has a slow release fertilizer added so every time you're water your baby, some of the nutes get released and are probably stresseing out your plant.

If you can, I recommend transplanting the kid into a larger pot with some nice compost or organic soils like Happy Frog, Ocean Forrest, or Black Gold. These soils have barely any nutes already in the soil so I think it would even out your nute levels
So high nutes cause drooping leaves, extremely veiny leafs, and purplish edges?
I thought that you could tell when a plant had too many nutes when it was yellowing or getting brown edges and looking burnt?


Well-Known Member
So high nutes cause drooping leaves, extremely veiny leafs, and purplish edges?
I thought that you could tell when a plant had too many nutes when it was yellowing or getting brown edges and looking burnt?
I don't know about purple edges, they look brown to me

Then again your plant is still a baby and they tend to look a little funny in this stage of life. I think if you discontinue feeding any more nutes and just add some pH adjusted water only when the first 2 inches of the top of the soil is dry (check with finger) then your kid will grow out of this stage and we can better see if there is a problem

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
MG + Noob (I'm one) = Disaster.

The # 1 mistake us noobs make is over watering. Combine the with MG potting soil and now we are not only over watering but over nuting, at a time when the plant needs no nutes at all.

Stop watering, get your bulbs horizontal, and put some mlyar (emergency blanket in wallmart camping area) above and on the sides.

Your plants look great, just ease up on the watering.