hows this looking? 35 into flower


Well-Known Member
Thank you again for the responses. I am on city water and no i dont have anything to check my ph or ppm. I had lst them young and the two biggest colas just kept getting bigger. Heres a picture of today.
Ouch! Ok real honesty time. You need to get the basics covered before you try again.
Water is of course key. A minimum you need to let your water sit out for a day or to to remove chlorine products. That may be the root of your problem. If your already removing chlorine the. Something else is way off. I think you woul be better off in happy frog/ ocean Forrest. Add per light and don't use any bottle nutes! It woul be better than what you got gong on now. Good luck. Again you need to balance you ph and maybe just let take this crop as a lesson learned. What that is I'm not sure. Also what kind of lighting ??


New Member
Ouch! Ok real honesty time. You need to get the basics covered before you try again.
Water is of course key. A minimum you need to let your water sit out for a day or to to remove chlorine products. That may be the root of your problem. If your already removing chlorine the. Something else is way off. I think you woul be better off in happy frog/ ocean Forrest. Add per light and don't use any bottle nutes! It woul be better than what you got gong on now. Good luck. Again you need to balance you ph and maybe just let take this crop as a lesson learned. What that is I'm not sure. Also what kind of lighting ??
I was thinking the same for a lesson learnt. For the lighting it is clf. 1,150 2,43watt and 1 23. I have been feeding straight from tap so thats probably a problem. They r both looking pretty rough. I about to just harvest it now and start over when i have what i need to do it right. What ya think peps?

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
Looks like nute lock to me... could be wrong but it's is only the tops right? If so then have you flushed yet? If not I would flush those girls real well and wait a week or so depending on soil moisture then re feed with a lighter dose of nutes. And give lots of love

D port Growth

Well-Known Member


New Member
I would personally try to save the plant you may not have the best / most product BUT you will learn a whole lot in the process and your thumb will become greener. take a clean sharp pair of scissors and trim all that dead shit off. Once you have done that look into getting something like this to adjust your water before feeding
Awesome thank you so much for your feed back. I was going to chop and see what i got but im going to flush first and see if that helps. I do think they have eaten up all nutes from soil thi. What do i do about that?

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
There are a couple different ways to flush.
1 being a bottled flushing product.
Or 2 lots of water

I fill the pot full and let it drain into a tub or down a drain about 3 times. make sure the the pot drains thoroughly before putting it back under lights and increase your airflow/ circulation to help dry up the soil

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
I did this when I had nute lock out and salt build up about 3 years ago and worked great it's just labor intensive. And be sure to drain real good


New Member
I did this when I had nute lock out and salt build up about 3 years ago and worked great it's just labor intensive. And be sure to drain real good
Thank you so much for the great help. I have to work all day but will flush them directly after. Once again i thank u all for all the help. Please keep posting cause i want to save these little girls. They r almost done id hate to lose them now


Well-Known Member
litmus test strips for Ph. you just dip em in the water, wait a minute and it shows the Ph color. vs a pricey tester, which you can't go too cheap on. Although an electronic tester will be easier to read.


Well-Known Member
litmus test strips for Ph. you just dip em in the water, wait a minute and it shows the Ph color. vs a pricey tester, which you can't go too cheap on. Although an electronic tester will be easier to read.
I rarely have to monitor ph now that I've gone fully organic. But I used strips for runoff testing. Meter for nutrient solution. But strips are awesome. For either if in a budget


Well-Known Member
I just like to see what I'm starting with and what I end. Helps determine things like Ph flux issues. Even if it ends up at 7, your plants might get pissed if you water them with coffee :P