Hows the weather been?


New Member
83...........partly cloudy.........breezy............beautiful............but that's every day, practically. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
oh god! its snowing like a mofo AGAIN!. It wont stop till sunday afternoon. we are expecting 30-50cm of snow. Its gonna be the biggest snow storm of the year. Thunder and lightning


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Okay really, it is March! What is with all this fing snow? We are to get lots today.


Well-Known Member
mattso, i live in north york i know exactly what you mean.

my building is right on the highway and for a while i could barely see the cars when i woke up today. thank god i don't work today.


Well-Known Member
been snowing since yesterday afternoon and isnt going to stop till tomorrow sometime, lawda mercy


Well-Known Member
Shit. This winter has been the snowiest winter since I can remember. It really started to pick up in the past hour. we have gotten about a foot of snow since yesterday and the brunt of the storm just hit. Here some pics.

I am going to go get really high and go for a walk! If im not back in a hour or so could someone please come get me......... bring a shovel or maybe a snow plow.

This Honda Civic has been buried for months now! and maybe another one........

Look at the pile on this guys roof!


Well-Known Member
Your telling me. I like it but its getting boring fast. I fucken fell on ice las week and got hella wet! it sucked cause I was going out for dinks and my entire left side was drenched


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Your telling me. I like it but its getting boring fast. I fucken fell on ice las week and got hella wet! it sucked cause I was going out for dinks and my entire left side was drenched
lmfao damn thats not funny mybad. Its been snowing here for a few days ill take pics in a few and show you. i havent slipped and fell yet but trust me im sure i will lol


Well-Known Member
it wasnt too bad you can laugh. I will usually wipe out ounce or twice a winter so I was due for a good spill. and by the sounds of it sor are you. be careful taking thos pics!


Well-Known Member
wow. thats a ton of snow. its been nice and sunny the last few days. but clouds are setting in now. bummer


Well-Known Member
Ok, i'm really high now! going out to brave the storm!! getting on my boots, parka scarf and touque. be back in a bit


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
it wasnt too bad you can laugh. I will usually wipe out ounce or twice a winter so I was due for a good spill. and by the sounds of it sor are you. be careful taking thos pics!
lol ok im laughing more....hhahahahhahaha.....ok ill take pics