hows she looking?

this is my super silver haze
the pics were taken with my phone so ok quality
she was put into her flowering cycle 8weeks ago n showed 2weeks after that

ok this is the top shes added extra tiers n shes got 3week left i think. i was wondering if she was goin to fill em out?
n if any1 could tell me if they think shes got longer than this left cos shes not even showing any thc yet are a few small crystals
other than that how does she look



Active Member
looks a bit stretched & scrawny but what do I know...I'm just 2 weeks into my first grow. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I think you let it get too big for your flower light. What light are you flowering with?

Next grow, look into training techniques like LST supercropping and/or topping and going to flower earlier. This will keep more of the buds in your lights sweet spot and prevent the long scrawny branching like you have here. Not a criticism, you look to get some decent bud, but you can be more efficient next time and get a bigger, higher quality harvest.
I think you let it get too big for your flower light. What light are you flowering with?

Next grow, look into training techniques like LST supercropping and/or topping and going to flower earlier. This will keep more of the buds in your lights sweet spot and prevent the long scrawny branching like you have here. Not a criticism, you look to get some decent bud, but you can be more efficient next time and get a bigger, higher quality harvest.
yeah man i know lol shes my first but ive been lookin into topping and maybe even getting a smaller strain cos shes 4inch off the top but live n learn :)
shes in a 2mx1.2m1.2m tent with a 250watt 2spec bulb


Well-Known Member
yes it will fill out, they normally put the most weight on in last 2-3 weeks, also it does look stretched,


Well-Known Member
I've noticed anything with the word Haze in the name grows really stretchy like that.

In addition to the great advice you've gotten already, I would recommend looking into indica dominant strains for your next attempt.
dose any1 have a thought as to how long she has left?
i know this might not get answered but im just unsure if ive timed it right?
n when should thc start to form on it?


Active Member
Best I can tell form the pics, maybe another 3 or 4 weeks. I could be very wrong. It's hard to tell from the pics. Get a handheld micro scope or strong magnifying glass and look at the tricks. When they are about 50/50 white and amber chop her down.


Active Member
WOW, that lady needs some more light. I have my doubts if it really is going to fill out........where are all the leaves, did you cut them off:-( From the pics it looks to me like you have several weeks left (3-5 weeks) Maybe you could set up some CFLs for some side lighting. Man,that bitch is way stretched out. Good luck



Well-Known Member
You're in your 8th week and they still look like that?

I'm afraid your plant didn't develop properly and your calyxes will not swell. You'll be left with airy shwag. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
your plant is definatly stretched. i would go get as many CFL in the highest wattage you can find and get em on her. use 2700k bulbs or soft white is another name for them.

what ferts are you using??? make sure your feeding her something with a good PK %

u definatly need more light on her tho and i would say between 3-5 weeks till she is ready still alot of white hairs.

im no pro but thats what i would do. Gl man :)

meh re reading the tread i guess they werent too bad on ya.


Well-Known Member
Your plant is beautiful, and you have a bunch of weeks left, say 3 to 4 depending on your trich colour.

There are however a few things you may want to change the next time you grow, which I hope will be soon as I would love to check out your future plants.

-invest in a horticulture light, a 150w MH/HPS is dirt cheap and very handy. you'll be amazed with how your plant responds to it.
-take the time to check out different nutrient brands online and invest in some if your not using them already
-make sure that your dark time (12 hours of darkness) is as pitch black as possible and then make it even more pitch black with some duct tape.

I've seen alot of stretching on your plant and while it make for a very attractive plant, I think you would prefer some more bud instead of stem. I may be wrong about that, aesthetics are just as important to me as production if not more so.

Let me know how it smokes when your done with the grow.


Active Member
i had a skunk 11 that stretched a it like that, i ended up tilting the light in the corner and tuning the plant, that thing went 11 weeks but was well worth the effort! yummy.
as said more light and post pics when its done.


Active Member
way stretched bro. light needed to be closer to her the whole time she was growing but you'll still get some bud out of it.