How's She Lookin'??


Well-Known Member
looks pretty dense too me...
Wow they sure dried up quick didnt they??
Did ya smoke anything yet.??
Whats the verdit? Dank ? still needs time?

sorry for the 20


Well-Known Member
i just smoked a lttle and i am feeling pretty toasty haahah. she does dry fast but i don't like it too dry because it's harsh on the throat. ive been eaving the jars open often so she can dry a bit more but it's pretty dry. dank smoke but a bit leafy. i dn't think it needed to go much longer. i still have the bottom on and i've been clipping. the bottom has a lot of smaller buds that don't look readdy but i dn't think they are going to mature much more.

our babies r doing well. starting to get new growth.


Well-Known Member
i am definitely bringing u a taste of this. we have to plan our meeting soon. i am going t hike tomorrow. i wanted to go today but i felt like shit this morning. just exhausted 2day........


Well-Known Member
I know ill be there friday and sunday mourning ....
Tmro is no good for me ....
Hope i see ya!

ps . you cant mis me the guy who runs around in
see ya soon.... hopefully.


Well-Known Member
i always go sunday, so long as i am not crippled & hung over. i will go to the viewpoint and yell cheezy! i usualy look pretty shitty by the time i get up there. hope i dont scare u.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean ...
by the time i get up there im gasping for air ...cringing holding my stomach....
all red in the (its a hike i tell u )

well ill be there for only a sec but .... you need to take the dankness thats all i ask...
And tell people on my thread if you thought it was crap or not...hahah...
If u have the time...
So ill be there sun better be there... and your dogs too.....


Well-Known Member
Very nice MJ. Finally chopped the bitch down huh?

Where do u guys go hiking at? Me n my gf go hiking all the time in palos verdes and sometimes malibu area. Wouldn't mind findin some new hiking buddies haha


Well-Known Member
lofl, we go to griffith. i wish i heard of some of these cool places but i go so often, i try to drive as little as possible.

lostnug, where do you live?

bill, wherees devils punch bowl? how did yu get so many points on xbox? ;)


Well-Known Member
lofl, we go to griffith. i wish i heard of some of these cool places but i go so often, i try to drive as little as possible.

lostnug, where do you live?

bill, wherees devils punch bowl? how did yu get so many points on xbox? ;)
I play a lot of games, and some games I try really hard to get all the achievements I can, lol. Now I know who added me though ;)


Well-Known Member
hey ...i want one of the kiddies..... but not enuff room..... :(
I put my fire og outside just like yours :)


Well-Known Member
the kid in the orange is yours. right now they are under cfl in the laundry room but i will put them outside at some point to veg. i will trasplant to 3 gallon when they are stronger :)

i am going to flower these when they are smallish (3ft). 5ft 5 was a little big. lol

this plant did well in cold so i think the babies will be ok.


Well-Known Member
it's cold here too. cruella is clipped and outside. she likes it better out there. I notice the pests don't like the cold so that is another + :)