Hows she look?


Well-Known Member
This is my lowryder-2 (9 weeks old.) first ever grow, she has only had cfl's as lighting all the way though, one bulb in fact, a dual spectrum 125watt cfl. Was just wondering what people thought of my first plant? Have know idea really what she should look like with it being my first grow. All comments welcome, thanks in advance.





Well-Known Member
Well at the moment all her trichomes are cloudy with a few amber i wanted about 40% amber at least so i dunno just wait and see seems to be taking forever.

very nice looking plant. im a few days away from harvest. when do you plan on harvesting?

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Alright first off you say she's 9 weeks. Is that 9 weeks since birth or since you started flowering cycle, or did you set her on 12/12 since seed. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice plant but I'd find it hard to believe that it is only 9 weeks old since coming out of her shell.


Well-Known Member
Well at the moment all her trichomes are cloudy with a few amber i wanted about 40% amber at least so i dunno just wait and see seems to be taking forever.
Probably only a few days away. That looks pretty nice, especially for having been grown under just one light. How tall is it?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Do you guys not know what a lowryder is? Its an autoflowering strain, it will be fully done vegging and flowering no matter what at or around 9 weeks.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
This is my lowryder-2 (9 weeks old.) first ever grow, she has only had cfl's as lighting all the way though, one bulb in fact, a dual spectrum 125watt cfl. Was just wondering what people thought of my first plant? Have know idea really what she should look like with it being my first grow. All comments welcome, thanks in advance.

I have not seen many Auto Flowering plants in final flowering stage, But that is the best one I have seen in a long time. Very nice first grow.
Now does it taste like real weed. Let us know, I have never smoked the stuff either.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words. I dunno how it smokes yet, properly not the best person to ask i've only ever been able to get shit weed up to now lol. Did try a sample popcorn bud a few days ago quick dryed it, it was a bit harsh guessing that was due to the quick drying and no curing it had. Sure it had a fruity hint to it, tasted nice to me though! As for the high it was ok bit to heady for me really, that's why she hasn't had the chop yet. Can't wait till her main cola is done and has cured for a couple of weeks. :weed:

I have not seen many Auto Flowering plants in final flowering stage, But that is the best one I have seen in a long time. Very nice first grow.
Now does it taste like real weed. Let us know, I have never smoked the stuff either.


Well-Known Member
Alright first off you say she's 9 weeks. Is that 9 weeks since birth or since you started flowering cycle, or did you set her on 12/12 since seed. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice plant but I'd find it hard to believe that it is only 9 weeks old since coming out of her shell.
Ok shall we try clear something up here, sorry if i come across a bit agresive just a bit sick of explaining this now. But here goes, It is an autoflowering strain which means that they have the same light schedule from seed to finish. Unlike normal strains you don't have to change the light schedule to 12/12 in order to induce budding. Basically an autoflowering strain starts budding by the age of the plant, it doesn't start budding like other strains do when the days get shorter, (or when ou put them in 12/12.) Hope that helps.

Probably only a few days away. That looks pretty nice, especially for having been grown under just one light. How tall is it?
I dunno how tall she is i'm yet to measure her! Will try and remember and do it later on.

How long have you been flowering? How long do you plan to flower?
Until about 40% of her is amber a week more max i think.