hows she look overall?


Active Member
heres jane about 3 weeks into flowering.running scotts potting soil, scotts moisture control,mushroom compost,bat guano,and just started with foxfarms open sesame nutes containing 5-45-19. just wondering in others opinion how healthy this plant appears.also is anyone else using these nutes and how are they?i guess they have a three step process pak, but at $35 a bottle, ill just be running with the open sesame.



Well-Known Member
That plant looks healthy as shit man for flowering stages. I don't see any yellowing, drooping, or discoloration at all. Usually she will start to suck energy out of her leaves as flowering progresses, but I don't see any of that here. Good looking plant man is this bagseed or a specific strain?


Active Member
kool, very excellent. yes it is bagseed,and whats kooler is i germinated the seed in a birdbath with the sun baking it and its a first grow and its been stressful as well as exciting, plus between nurturing and reading here, ive learned a ton of useful infoand general knowledge about basic plantlife that probably kept this girl alive. so anyways just trying to keep it simple. ill post inside pics later for better pic quality. thanx,rock on....


Active Member
have a question, the leaves are curling( pictured above) downward, leaves look pretty healthy but getting yellow and dark brown on endges workining its way in, but not too much and very slowly.also the plant appears as if its stopped growing over a period of five days. is it possible that i have what is called nutrient lockup? i just gave first time nutrients prior to this(foxfarm open sesame). i usually water 3-4 days apart or untill soil begins drying out....


Well-Known Member
looks very nice, got to love bag seed haha

couple of things though, are they staying inside now? if so are you using cfl's? spread your lights around the plant more or better still add some on the other side and one on top and paint your walls flat white. black wont do shit for reflecting light



Active Member
yep, they are now inside due to privacy issues, definetly workin on the lights, and painting the walls isnt so much an option, i guess poster board will work just trying to figure out the watering and nutes and also first time grower so ive learned a lot, but still learning. interesting the different stages and actions the plants go through. just tryin to keep her alive.i water with one gallon of water, shes in 5 gallon bucket, but water seeps through before even done with one gallon.could that be too much water? would flushing her help at all?


Active Member
Hey dude, nice looking plant. Flushing definitely will help. I flush every 3 weeks and mine are doing fine.


Well-Known Member
yea do something to mask the black paint. time the lights to go of the same time it goes dark out side and the other way round in the morning, less stress the better.
I thought she looked a little bit over watered tbh, stick your finger in the soil about 2" to 3"' if it feels moist leave the watering out until it feels dry down there and the pot feels light again and she should do just fine.
I'm not sure about your nutes sorry but you should find online a pdf file feeding chart on the company's web site.
I think getting the right amount of water and nutes is more important than flushing at this moment in time.
a good way to gauge how much your plant likes to drink is to water them from the bottom when the pot is dry and light, sit it in a big bowl for say 10 minutes and just top it up until it doesn't drink anymore you will know if its thirsty or not that way try it.
free moving air is important indoors at the flowering stage, outside vent and a household fan will do wonders along with a cheep hygrometer and thermometer to keep an eye on things.
no moving air and moisture make mold spores thrive! so watch that one lol.

cannabutt :leaf: