hows my baby looking


Active Member
i hate cfl's man. upgrade to a 400 or 600 watt HPS for flowering if you want real results. cfl's aren't good flowering. hps lights have that redish orange late autumn spectrum that signal's your plants that the end of the season is near. and they want to propigate their species and they flower faster and have bigger flowers

foreal, he didn't ask for an opinion of his setup. Some ppl have space constraints or don't have the funds to purchase HID lighting. I agree, it IS far superior but for my first grow I'll keep it simple with CFL's too, for all the reasons I've just stated

Everybody's setup is different, and I think his plants look great for his setup. And BTW, fewer watts or lumens doesn't mean CFL's can't produce the same color spectrum as a HPS- because they can. HPS utilizes watts more efficiently, which=more light, and that is responsible for more dense, thick buds and a higher yield (considering all other factors)

Just felt the need to step in and mediate...GL both of u