How's It Looking Guys?


Well-Known Member
okay, I think u need some more light to begin with, at least 3 more 26w cfls, ur upper leaves seem to be reaching for the light. ur soil looks really fresh, & nice but in the pics the leaves look a bit droopy towards the bottom, hopefully ur not overwatering. is that just the way it looks in the pic (that big fan leaf to the right)...yellow? with the light u have ur looking at a long flowering with not much yield i'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does it look a little like a hermie...I'm not sure if those are nutz or calyxes but they seem rather bulky for the plants size.


Active Member
You flowered too early, ur supposed to wait til at least 12in tall if not more. You probably also want to double your light and try mostly 6500k cfls during veg, they make the plants bushy with strong limbs. Sorry to be the bearer but I'd start another grow and read up on some grow techniques. Good luck....


Active Member
1 i used 6500k for veg i just added 4 lights yesterday thats y it starrted to flower it was 12in and i know what im doing lol im not dumb but ok


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me, looks like a girl. Nice green leaves! Now lets watch her double in size in flower.

(I will say that if she has been flowering for 3 weeks she looks like she's been flowering a week and a half. So you may be able to expect a long flower period.)


Active Member
first 2 weeks it only had 1 light thats y it went so slow now i got 3 more so its showing alot now