How's 2014 been for you?


Well-Known Member

i lost my flesh light

but i did get to go to Florida with my bro and get kicked out of a African american heritage store

and then i ended up moving to Florida for a bit and got to fuck around at St.Augustine Floridia for a bit and yelled shit at tourists

i learned a valuable lesson with the ecosystem involving deer being potivores

and i joined this forum so yeah at least thats something

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Hey GW...ever been to the Scilly isles? Loved it way back when. I used to eat dinner w a magistrate on holiday and neard some great stories. Beautiful gardens there. Think qbout a vaca.
If i were a brit id be bookin my butt to Malaga
No I've have never been their but I have heard its very nice, we are going to Greece in July so thats something to look forward to Malaga is not really my scene I like peace and quiet, it comes with age.;)

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
i feel ya GW. this year was one of my worse. and going into 2015 is lookin pretty shitty too
at the moment. wish u a much better year!
I'm sorry to hear that, its looking very bleak for me at the moment, I'm in bed with a throat infection, and been throwing up for two days so I will be letting the new year in with my head in a bucket for all the wrong reasons. :spew:

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
You and me both honey! Lost my father in '13 and all that comes with THAT, then '14 piled on more shit. It has been one of the worst years. Sorry to be a downer RIU, but just truth telling. I sure hope next year brings better tidings.
I to hope things are better for you in the new year xx


Well-Known Member
2014 was alright i guess. made new enemies on a forum named Rollitup, always fun. I keep returning for the nice ppl tho. Dad got bad news from doctor but doing well. I semi-retired @41. no vehicle troubles all year that was nice.this last day of 2014 has me cautiously optimistic for 2015.i don't do new years resolutions but i have one ready for when mom asks. happy new year peeps.


Well-Known Member
Man 2014 has been crazy. Lots of ups and downs. Started the year off in jail for assault. Ended up leaving my wife. Cost me a house, a new truck, a puppy and a nice perpetual garden. I was miserable so it was worth it. My business did well enough this year for me to bounce back pretty quick. Ending the year with a new house and a great new girl. Left a job I was miserable at to focus on my own business. Almost done with probation which is always nice. Garden looks good again. Overall a decent year I suppose. I see 2015 being incredible.


Active Member
My (2014 SUCKS) period began a couple of weeks before Christmas 2013, when I lost my job. 8 months later I lost my farm to smoke damage from a nearby fire. 2 months after that I lost my BFF (cancer). Man ............. I got so sick of it a bunch of us held a NYE party on Halloween, and declared it 2015 2 months early.

So far, that seems to have broken the streak. Granny Weed - had I known you were swimming in the same pool I'd have surely invited you to that early NYE party. I hope yours ends tonight and that 2015 ROCKS IT again. :)


Well-Known Member
For me personally its been shit!
Pretty shitty. But I'm alive so at least I can complain.
Worst year of my life. I'm in my 40's.:neutral:
You and me both honey! Lost my father in '13 and all that comes with THAT, then '14 piled on more shit. It has been one of the worst years. Sorry to be a downer RIU, but just truth telling. I sure hope next year brings better tidings.
worst year for me also . My son has stage 3 cancer. Had 3 surgery's this year and its not over yet. Life just sucks at times.
i feel ya GW. this year was one of my worse. and going into 2015 is lookin pretty shitty too
at the moment. wish u a much better year!

AAAANd the shittiest 2014 award goes to: (drum roll:)

@tytheguy111 Who's clearly had the worst year ever...


i lost my flesh light

but i did get to go to Florida with my bro and get kicked out of a African american heritage store

and then i ended up moving to Florida for a bit and got to fuck around at St.Augustine Floridia for a bit and yelled shit at tourists

i learned a valuable lesson with the ecosystem involving deer being potivores

and i joined this forum so yeah at least thats something

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
My (2014 SUCKS) period began a couple of weeks before Christmas 2013, when I lost my job. 8 months later I lost my farm to smoke damage from a nearby fire. 2 months after that I lost my BFF (cancer). Man ............. I got so sick of it a bunch of us held a NYE party on Halloween, and declared it 2015 2 months early.

So far, that seems to have broken the streak. Granny Weed - had I known you were swimming in the same pool I'd have surely invited you to that early NYE party. I hope yours ends tonight and that 2015 ROCKS IT again. :)
And I hope the same for you my friend, but I won't be celebrating I will hopefully be a sleep haha x


Well-Known Member
My mom passed away in April
Lost an Uncle early in December and a good friend just a few days ago.
The wife and I inherited a house and property and 25 K
Was fortunate enough to spend a lot of time with my granddaughter and if my luck holds out for a few more hours I'll have my 58th birthday with family & a matter of fact already been dipping into some local shine.
Waiting on the oysters , Shrimp and crab legs cause this old boy is honegry.
Happy New Year everyone !


Global Moderator
Staff member
My mom passed away in April
Lost an Uncle early in December
We lost my mom in April of 2011 - I still talk to her.
It is incomprehensible that she's gone.

Lost my uncle to a farm accident in November.

All in all I've got a lot to be happy about, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Happy New Year to all my friends (and the sock puppets some of you force me to murder :cool:).


Well-Known Member
Got my divorce behind me fully. Got closer with a beautiful lady and her daughter, which I'm thankful for. May have to close a restaurant in 2015 but time will tell. I've saved dick as far as money in 2014 so I need to smarten up in 15 and put some away for when I need it. My parents are getting older I just hope they don't get sick. Don't have any grandparents or aunts/uncles because they all died from cancer and shit years ago so my folks are all I got. Hope 15 is a year of health, strength, love and prosperity, ya'll.


Well-Known Member
AAAANd the shittiest 2014 award goes to: (drum roll:)

@tytheguy111 Who's clearly had the worst year ever...

do you know whats its like to go from realistic pussy to using your hands

i even had a anal sleeve

now im gonna have to save up for another flesh light or buy a cheap one from china that has feline aids n shit all up in it probably even some brown recluse spiders n shit too

and if your a chick go from dildos and vibrators and shit to fingering your self and rubbing yourself

ya just cant its not possible lol

ive put 2 years of horny and sexually frustrated teenage sperm into that damn fleshlight lmao

but yeah it could be worse


Well-Known Member
do you know whats its like to go from realistic pussy to using your hands

i even had a anal sleeve

now im gonna have to save up for another flesh light or buy a cheap one from china that has feline aids n shit all up in it probably even some brown recluse spiders n shit too

and if your a chick go from dildos and vibrators and shit to fingering your self and rubbing yourself

ya just cant its not possible lol

ive put 2 years of horny and sexually frustrated teenage sperm into that damn fleshlight lmao

but yeah it could be worse
I remember when I first joined one of the most bizarre and scarring threads was the one where that guy had like…..sea monkeys or some shit growing in his fleshlight. UGH! I was nauseous for a couple days after reading that. Anyone else remember that? Can't remember even who it was, just the subject matter. I had to google fleshlight b/c I thought he'd made a type and was tailing about a FLASH light. Even more grossed out when I saw what it was and that it was harboring his potential mutant offspring.

So Ty: always keep your tools clean

AND get yourself a nice girl. Forget all that latex crap.


Well-Known Member
Got my divorce behind me fully. Got closer with a beautiful lady and her daughter, which I'm thankful for. May have to close a restaurant in 2015 but time will tell. I've saved dick as far as money in 2014 so I need to smarten up in 15 and put some away for when I need it. My parents are getting older I just hope they don't get sick. Don't have any grandparents or aunts/uncles because they all died from cancer and shit years ago so my folks are all I got. Hope 15 is a year of health, strength, love and prosperity, ya'll.

thank ya

and divorce fucking sucks man ive had 3 different step parents so ik from a kids perspective how bad it sucks dick i seen both my parents as a villain and a hero and it just tore me in two

but if the daughter likes you then your doing good idk how old she is so maybe the next part of my post doesn't apply if she older then 18 then dont read the rest of this post

okay, i still love both my parents and see both of them as my actual parental figures not my step mom or step dad

don't feel bad if she doesn't see you as her dad or father figure i don't see my step dad as one but i still accept him