Hownot2gro*Hells Angels/Apple Jack Indo Hydro DWC


Note: I will probably do lots of things wrong. With that out the way, Let's get started.

4xHA 1xAJ
4x4x7 Grow Tent
Technaflora Nutes​

(Sorry for the quality)

This is around 2 weeks. I'll update it later with pics from earlier. These were all originally Soil and transplanted to hydro.

This will be my 2nd attempt at growing, this time legally. I originally had seeds from my last setup that were around 3-4 years old. Only 2 popped so I hashed that Idea and went with buying some clones. Bought 7 HA and only 4 made it. 2 that the guy sold me didn't even have roots and the bastard specifically told me I should probably leave those 2 in the containers so he knew what was up.

Smoked some applejack and it was so good bought a clone from it since I had a space open. Hopefully it will keep up with the others since it had great roots already. I didn't notice a smell with the others but after putting in the AJ clone my wife started complaining about it smelling like skunk.

One is growing way faster than the others and since I'm pretty new not sure what I should do, top it?



The sad sight of things when they first arrived.DSC07240.jpgDSC07241.jpg

I left the ones in the soil cups for almost a week before trying to transplant just to find out there were no roots at all.


Active Member
dude theses are sad, sad clones.. Hopefully you get things working out a little better for you in the future


Yep, trying to make the most out of what I got since I've got a limited amount of time for this grow. The AJ clone was actually really nice though nothing like HA ones I bought. This AJ smokes so well though really hope it turns out good.


The only people that have more 3somes than me are pornstars. Also they are all perking up and starting to take off. Except 1.


Tested ph this morning and was at 7.5, can tell a huge difference in the plants when it's that high though. Almost stop growing, when I drop it down to the 5's I can notice a difference the same day.


Pic of the AJ I'm smoking.

I can't slow the big one down at all, I raise the light a few inches every night and it's touching again the next day. Afraid to keep raising the light because of the other 4.



Well-Known Member
you made those clones look much better than when you first got em. ill be watching this show


Thanks, I fixed my ph problem, and they're doing a lot better. Now I'm really starting to have a problem with the big one, almost starting to shadow the little one next to it and it's up against the light again.
