HowNot2GetBusted?pros?(dvd as well?)


Well-Known Member
alright folks, iv been reading on the forum for a while now
and i read quite a few things ima start with the 1 that i think is bs first lol.

1)the story about the guy who was operating a band in his home, cops came said he was growing, knew where power was comeing from in his room ect ect i have the thread if any1 wants to read it i think i saved it, on a grid he said.
stopping that? plugging lights into different rooms with not to long of wire?.

2)infrared , poly shield? does it work? i got a site that shows its been tested by researchers ill try to find it. what you think? stopping it?

3)light patterns from bc hydro, like 18/6,12/12 for example, running 12/12 2 1000w, or bettet yet lets say 4 would make this more simple, 2 running , they turn off 2 others turn on does that make sense? thats a constant 24 hour electricity? stopping it? explaine to me!!!!!!!
heres a vid
YouTube - Ready Set Grow - Vol 2 (5/8) also
i watched that dvd Never get busted by the Xcop, he said that bc hydro ppl that catch growers get paid per plant, ima find it & watch it again. thought i let yall in on that see what u gotta say

4)light spike im guessing thats the same as a light pattern, almost anyways but spike shows when ur hydro jumps really high at 1 time, like bam 3000w kicks on and it shows on bc hydros computer stopping that? same as light pattern? alternate rooms? EXPLAINE TO ME PLZZZ...

5) im just trying to get this shit under raps, a friend wants to know, and it interests me as well us being both home growers for personal use, iv saw so many threads on this stuff but nothing really anwsers it you know..


ill update this maybe add a few more things to this, as i think of them this are the main 1's, all i can think of....


Active Member
dont tell to many people, lose lips sink ships, run your lights from 6am - 11pm for veg, then 6am - 6pm for bud
i have a friend that works for a place genisis engergy who monitor our usage, there are so many people using mass amounts of power its fukn hard 2 tell unless your growing insane amounts.. perse u should be fine


Well-Known Member
I live in BC, never had much issues with BChydro if you pay on time, 1000w lights do have a big spike when you start them, thats why you should never set all your timers to come on at the same second, space them out by a minute or 2. Having separate rooms is always an option, but if your only using 2 or 3 lights IMO its better to have them is the same grow area just for the better distribution, but having seperate rooms running at oposite times is a good way to level out the power usage.

The biggest thing to remember is that you want to stay within the average usage for the place your living at, you wouldnt want to be running 6 x 1000w lights in a 2 bedroom house.

I suggest running your lights at night, when your house is using as little power as possible from everything else (cooking, tvs, computers, etc)

Thermal imaging can be a concern, but theres so many solutions to solve this problem, they make is sound like you will get busted for growing from the cameras, but the fact is unless your pumping heat into your attic, or if you dont have any AC or anything, you really wont have any problems, its real easy to just add a pocket of colder air between your grow room and the roof.

Getting busted is always a concern, but unless your a large scale grower, power usage and thermal imaging shouldnt be your biggest worry, most small scale grow get busted by word of mouth, or the wrong person seeing something they shouldnt have seen, or even odor.

I know BC hydro is upgrading their systems, but if your in a house with a meter at the side, and you have a meterreader come by once a month, then they have no way at all of seeing power spikes or surges, they would just see the total usage for that month.


Well-Known Member
-alright, so NZganja 6am 11pm , 6am then 6pm is leveling the power usage correct folks?, adding a 400w for a few hours when that shuts off would be even better correct?;).

-very nice post bctrippin, whats setting your timers a few mins off gonna do? if in same room power will be the same spike will be there correct right so running 2 rooms would be smarter once 1 shuts off other goes on.

-the biggest thing to remember part, hmmmm what do you mean? are u saying that because rule of thumb 1 1000w per room? or because of the sq feet per house, hydro company doesnt know the sq per feet on the house so whats the point in that? sorry not the brightest, i guess u mean if being investigated?

id keep power down because i would have a few comps most likely, fridge of course, comps more than 1, thats all i got now and im in an apartment i love my comps what more can i say, maybe a big tv for comp as well hehe.

how would it be easier, poly shield i gotta fucking buy some dude maybe off ebay, but how would it be easier to add colder air between roof and floor, fan uptop? walls are cold sooo?...

how are they updating there systems?

well everyone is on the computer they can see spikes by clicking on your account, we are all on a computer bro, didnt you watch the youtube vid i posted.

in bc we know thats a worry.

i still need odor control, DAMNIT.

THANKS FOR REPLY, i much do, be back later on..


Well-Known Member
just think about what u r doing before u do it. If something looks suspect to u then it IS suspect! Dont worry about electricity unless u r doing a massive grow. Careful of light leaks and odors etc etc. just be sensible!


Active Member
the only way your going to get caught is if your growing a massive amount like Juststartin said theres no need to grow all that bud at all the i got 4 plants grow and ill be good on that for a while


Well-Known Member
-alright, so NZganja 6am 11pm , 6am then 6pm is leveling the power usage correct folks?, adding a 400w for a few hours when that shuts off would be even better correct?;).

-very nice post bctrippin, whats setting your timers a few mins off gonna do? if in same room power will be the same spike will be there correct right so running 2 rooms would be smarter once 1 shuts off other goes on.

-the biggest thing to remember part, hmmmm what do you mean? are u saying that because rule of thumb 1 1000w per room? or because of the sq feet per house, hydro company doesnt know the sq per feet on the house so whats the point in that? sorry not the brightest, i guess u mean if being investigated?

id keep power down because i would have a few comps most likely, fridge of course, comps more than 1, thats all i got now and im in an apartment i love my comps what more can i say, maybe a big tv for comp as well hehe.

how would it be easier, poly shield i gotta fucking buy some dude maybe off ebay, but how would it be easier to add colder air between roof and floor, fan uptop? walls are cold sooo?...

how are they updating there systems?

well everyone is on the computer they can see spikes by clicking on your account, we are all on a computer bro, didnt you watch the youtube vid i posted.

in bc we know thats a worry.

i still need odor control, DAMNIT.

THANKS FOR REPLY, i much do, be back later on..

Offsetting the 1000w ballast by a couple mins helps with the start up spike, theres a huge power spike when you turn on a 1000w light, if they all came on at once I would probably blow breakers every day.

What Im saying is that BC hydro doesnt know the exact square footage of your house, BUT they do know the average power usage that the house has been using over the years, what you want to do, is keep your total grow power usage near that average.

Im in a 1 bed condo and I run 2500w of lights without any issues, but if I was up near 4-5000w of light that would be too obvious.

If I had a 5 bedroom house, I could safely run 5 or 6 1000w lights.

make sense?


Active Member
actually the new ballasts have slow start similar to HID lights you see in factory ceilings. the power goes on in stages until it reaches full power. plus when the electric company is getting readings they are of all the electric you are using all at once in your house; so they cant see how you break down your usage after the electrical service enters your meter box and then home breaker panel. anyway just wanted to add my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
near the average? around 100-150?...or is that to much?...

2 bedrooms 4 1000 to much?...

i think i get it yeah, any other info on my latest post on this thread?


Active Member
whatcha lookin to hear that having several computers tv's and your several HID lights might get you detected? Very few household items take up large amounts of power for long pattern like periods of time. Say a water heater, some have 2000 watt water heaters but they only turn on a few times a day and for only minutes. and what about fridges and freezers, they also only turn on and off periodically, unlike your constant HID lights, Computers, and Televisions. You could sit in total dark but ifyou have 4 computers running even 600 watt power supplies (mainstream gamers use 1600 watters) then your fucked to think u can add 1000 watt lights 1 per bedroom of the home. Jorge Cervantes is the source of that measurement 1000 watts per room btw, maybe you should watch the rest of his dvd? they sell it on Amazon.

and sq ft of your home doesnt matter but what does is database records at the eletric company which record and monitor useage...such entries in the database as yours would be flagged with a simple daily computer query that would report any levels rising in great leaps from previous records. so your 100 dollar a month bill jumping to even 250 would make something happen and especially if no one in your neighborhood is in comparison. The water company has called me personally to make sure the water in the house was not leaking when our water billed went up from a friend moving in and using the shower, sink, toilet more. I didnt even get my bill that month before they noticed and responded to me.