Yea if you wanna let your water sit for about 12-24 hours to evap most of the chl, it would be helpful. Although, unless you have a auto top off valve, you should be ok. The water in your control bucket, and the rest of the bucket will do some evaporating themselves. I wouldnt worry about it honestly. I use tap, and my ppm are at 195-210. I mix nutes with a base of 200 instead of 0, and adjust ph accordingly. Plants dont respond to ph fluctuations, as i'm sure you have encountered this. If ppms are off, the plant will show signs within a very short time. I do want to warn you about nute lock. Its always better with DWC to add lower ammounts of nutes due to the roots only eating durring the day, and because the roots are always submerged in the nute solution. As you know any kind of nute lock is going to stunt growth, and take longer to recover than if they were not given enough nutes.. I just raise the ppm's slightly when I top off my rez if they show no signs of overdoing the nutes..
Yea man, I cant believe the crazyness I see on t.v. about out west. You would think these people would find somewhere else to grow these gurilla operations.. I have respect for the old timers who have been doing it for years, like you said your family has. I dont agree with these foreign gurilla growers coming to take land for a possible profit..Its getting too crazy out there. It's def, keeping the dogs at bay like you
Overgrow was the spot.. I remember when people were dreaming about being legal, lol..It was a great place indeed, well established growers that was very open to explaining the science and madness behind their thoughts and techniques.. I guess being in the 'learning curve' era really helped establish my fundamentals on the art, solely on other people's teachings that are used to date. I got a couple buddy's of mine that wanna move somewhere legal, this southern living isnt so friendly when it comes to the law. My father actually has stage 4 lung cancer and is moving to Nevada after his treatments stop working, I figure I'll go out there as well and try to do something with a business in Medical Cannabis..I rather not say Marijuana, it gives the great plant a bad