Howard Schultz for president?

Too bad you couldn't get a good union job.

Doubt they would hire you where I worked anyway, you had to pass an iintelligence test to get in.
Youall can say what you want I own my own company and im pretty sure most to you are getting some kind of government assistance my taxes pay for.
Youall can say what you want I own my own company and im pretty sure most to you are getting some kind of government assistance my taxes pay for.
Yes. Thanks for paying in to social security. I've paid in over 50 years. Maxed out the last twenty. Don't thank me for helping your grandpa with his social security. It's how it works. Maybe I shouldn't pay all of those school taxes. My kids are grown. But I never complain.
Tell us more about this company that you say you own.
I grew up in a union family. There is a complex relationship between union members and the Democratic Party. Union members voted in large numbers for Nixon and Reagan mostly because of white racism. Yet they expect the Democratic Party to support them. Which they do but not always.

The decline of unions is also a complex subject. Your simple minded BS about Democrats only says that you don't understand. A trust fund boy like you who invents conspiracy theories in lieu of understanding a subject is naturally limited when it comes to things beyond their experience.
Plenty of personal attacks with little insight and no solutions.

There some unions that need to completely disappear.. Let's look at the teachers union. You cannot fire badd teachers. And I know you're gonna say something like but they don't get enough pay. You're right but that problem comes from the Union as well. They've created too many upper echelon jobs that are far overpaid. . All of these positions are protected by the union as well. In my daughters school they have four vice principals let me repeat that four of them. They don't teach class I'm not sure what they do. I do know if they fired a couple of them they could give that money to the teachers.. But they're protected by the Union as well. The whole union needs to be ripped out and ineffective and unneeded people need to be fired and teachers need to be paid more with the money they save. It is the only way to get rid of the bureaucracy at the top.
The ones making too much money aren't teachers, they're administrators- who, oddly enough, are the very ones cutting teacher pay and reducing classroom budgets while giving themselves raises.

It's even worse at universities.
You don't know what you are talking about and should just shy away from commenting about Unions.
Then suggest some solutions, boss man.

From where I sit, waiting for Democrats to save unions hasn't worked out too well- which was my whole point.
Then suggest some solutions, boss man.

From where I sit, waiting for Democrats to save unions hasn't worked out too well- which was my whole point.
From all you say, you are waiting for Republicans to save unions, you mean. Don't hold your breath.

Because of the Blue Wave in 2018, for the next two years, Democrats are there to prevent Trump and the Senate from further eroding workers rights laws. This is what is posted on the site regarding unions and working families: Democrats want to invest in good-paying jobs, raise the minimum wage, strengthen overtime rules, invest in apprenticeships and high-quality training, protect workers from exploitation, and protect retirement security. Whenever the Trump administration acts against the best interests of American workers, Democrats will fight back. I find no fault in that.

The Senate is a tougher nut to crack and will probably remain in Republican hands until 2022. After 2020, assuming Democrats hold the Presidency and the House, we can go on the offensive to expand workers rights but Republicans are still going to be an obstacle.
Then suggest some solutions, boss man.

From where I sit, waiting for Democrats to save unions hasn't worked out too well- which was my whole point.
How about you just get a job so you can have some credibility as a self appointed advocate for American workers.
Oh yeah, so tell me again why Unions kept supporting Democrats after Clinton enacted NAFTA?
Unions were split on Bill Clinton.

As detailed here:

But your question isn't relevant to today. Union support for NAFTA always split down the line according to who saw benefit and who saw harm from NAFTA. Again, this subject is more complex than you say. Unions aren't any more of a monolith than the Democratic Party is.

You don't know what you are talking about and should just shy away from commenting about Unions.