How you can help legalize Marijuana!!


Well-Known Member
Watch this short video and look into what you can do to help in the legalization of the safest drug on earth. Write to your congressmen and women. 10 letters can represent 10,000 people. Look up the pyramid ways to write your letters. Do your part!! Let them know if we are to legalize marijuana we can help reduce border violence. Due to gangs shipping in marijuana. TAKE THE POWER AWAY FROM THE DRUG DEALERS!!!! Did you know that over 6,000 people were murdered on or near the US/Mexico border for MARIJUANA. DO YOUR PART!!! These links will help you write your letters and inform you on what you, friends and family can do to help!!

Do what you can in your state. Organize a march. Stop letting corporations allow the GOVT to keep marijuana illegal.

We can do this if we all pull together. All it takes it one letter to start the process.

Look how long alcohol prohibition lasted. 15 years. And Marijuana has been under prohibition since 1937. That is 72 years. And no one overdose or death due to marijuana has ever been reported or recorded in the history of the drug.

Nicotine and alcohol last year alone caused the deaths of 464546 people in the US alone.

Come on guys help me out!!

Thanks Inkslinger118


Well-Known Member
lol decriminalization is wack its basically another way of saying its still illegal but you wont get in trouble for smoking or having a little on you. So you can smoke it and have it on you but you cant grow it cant sell it wtf good does that do theres no good in decriminalization, I guess its better than nothing. legalization would make it easier to obtain so therefor growers/dealers would be forced to sell for cheaper or would probably be put out of business. Is this why your opposed to legalization? How about legalization would keep thousands of people out of prison for growing herb for themselves putting money back into there own pockets because now they can medicate themselves. Without having to spend your hard earned dollars on some dudes "Dro" 40 or 50 an eighth. It would help our economy because people wouldnt be giving there money to one person"dealer" that doesnt have to pay taxes on there product. It would put money into the economy and would lesson the need for dangerous pharmaceuticals they so eagerly prescribe to us.
The federal government sees NO MEDICAL properties in marijuana classifying it as a schedule one narcotic. That being said then why are they selling a thc pill called marinol that is less effective than the natural plant itself. Everyones just trying to make money, but if they relized marijuana once was usa's #1 cash crop and it pretty much still is. They could easily benefit from the demand for this plant but choose not to for what reason im not sure.


Well-Known Member
lol decriminalization is wack its basically another way of saying its still illegal but you wont get in trouble for smoking or having a little on you. So you can smoke it and have it on you but you cant grow it cant sell it wtf good does that do theres no good in decriminalization, I guess its better than nothing. legalization would make it easier to obtain so therefor growers/dealers would be forced to sell for cheaper or would probably be put out of business. Is this why your opposed to legalization? How about legalization would keep thousands of people out of prison for growing herb for themselves putting money back into there own pockets because now they can medicate themselves. Without having to spend your hard earned dollars on some dudes "Dro" 40 or 50 an eighth. It would help our economy because people wouldnt be giving there money to one person"dealer" that doesnt have to pay taxes on there product. It would put money into the economy and would lesson the need for dangerous pharmaceuticals they so eagerly prescribe to us.
The federal government sees NO MEDICAL properties in marijuana classifying it as a schedule one narcotic. That being said then why are they selling a thc pill called marinol that is less effective than the natural plant itself. Everyones just trying to make money, but if they relized marijuana once was usa's #1 cash crop and it pretty much still is. They could easily benefit from the demand for this plant but choose not to for what reason im not sure.

Excellent post my friend. For this I am giving you +rep. Thanks for being one who actually had something agreeable to say.


Active Member
I can see both sides but decriminalization seems more logical
and less damaging than total legalization. Think of the new taxes that would be
imposed! That exactly right what you said about "They could easily benefit from the demand for this plant"
And they will! Will they then tax medical users like me?

Medical being legalized in more & more states is going to increase circulation WHICH can help reduce border violence

Look at the violence in mendicino county lately. Got a friend out there who's
moved twice & robbed at both homes.
I dunno
Like I said I can see it both ways.


Well-Known Member
I can see both sides but decriminalization seems more logical
and less damaging than total legalization. Think of the new taxes that would be
imposed! That exactly right what you said about "They could easily benefit from the demand for this plant"
And they will! Will they then tax medical users like me?

Medical being legalized in more & more states is going to increase circulation WHICH can help reduce border violence

Look at the violence in mendicino county lately. I dunno
Like I said I can see it both ways.
Good cross. + rep for you.


Active Member
Listen I just want to grow & smoke & not be hassled isn't that what we all want?
You just have to be real careful on how you go about doing that. For every action there's an equal & opposite
reaction lol feel me?


Well-Known Member
If You were a medical patient and you bought it from a dispensary i believe it should be taxed like anything else. I think this would encourage people to try growing it themselves which would decentralize the entire marijuana supply. It would pretty much stop the drug trafficking from other countries because it would not be worth the trouble. Why would you import marijuana if it could just be grown in the US this would keep our money in the US which i could eventually see increasing the value of our dollar. Dispensaries can get product from legitimate home growers, these home growers have an opportunity to make a little money while also helping people. So basically everyone would have more money to spend on the consumer products that run our economy as shitty as it is it would help.


Active Member
Why do you believe the dispenarys should be taxed? that's crazy!
Yeah Big government waawho!!!HEY Lets let the government get a peice of the
pie on marijuana meds just like all the other big drug companies which is why
healthcare is a broken system & hardly anyone can efford it! Good Idea!


Well-Known Member
Why do you believe the dispenarys should be taxed? that's crazy!
Yeah Big government waawho!!!HEY Lets let the government get a peice of the
pie on marijuana meds just like all the other big drug companies which is why
healthcare is a broken system & hardly anyone can efford it! Good Idea!

See though its not only about the govt. If we were to legalize it would bring more jobs, better opps for farmers who are struggling to keep their family alive. But that is why we are free. TAX. Woo Hoo lol


Well-Known Member
everything else is taxed why would marijuana not be taxed. Sure It would be awesome if they didn't tax you if it became legal. But do you really think marijuana is something that would be tax free for everyone. For medical purposes there shouldnt be a tax but if it were legal there would be a thin line between medical and recreational use. We work we pay taxes on the money we make, we buy a car with that money that was already taxed and have to pay sales tax on the car. Some states you then every year after have to pay taxes on that car. I sell the car, the person who buys is taxed. The government has made thousands of dollars off one car. For example you pay 6% sales tax when you buy a car for 10,000 so they get 600 the next year they tax you the same amount again. In 10 years you have almost payed more taxes on the car than it is worth. Taxes run our economy The taxes we should be questioning is our federal income tax. Why do they need to tax our wages and what is the money used for. If you do research you will find there is no law that says you need to pay federal income tax. As unbelievable as this sounds its true the way they get you to pay is by fear and intimidation from the IRS.

I suggest everyone to watch the documentary freedom to fascism.