How would you rate this bud? (snazzleberry) (chimera)


Well-Known Member
how long did u veg??? i wish i got a gram a watt lol. u need to dial ur strain and enviro right in to get a gram per watt.3.2 oz from 1 plant?? i pulled 2 oz 4gram from a gforce under a 400w hps so well done


Active Member
Did 3 of them, vegged over a month from germination, flowered about 2-3 months. This time im doing just 1 plant and hoping to yield more, because its been vegging 2 months into a nice bush.


Well-Known Member
i hear about all these ppl getting a gram a watt, sounds insane....
use enough electricity in every other end of your grow, not just flower. Plant mass yielding longer flowering strains.

In other words, gram per watt is nearly meaningless.


Well-Known Member
Rate your bud?
OK I'm game.

Looks - 8
Smell - 0 Can't smell through my comp.
Taste - 0 Again, cant taste it through my comp.
Effect - 0 Can't tell, since you didn't give me any to try.

Just busting your balls...LOL

Over all rating = Looks good:weed:


Well-Known Member
Looks good.. I tried sparking up the computer monitor and It was pretty harsh.:-P


Well-Known Member
So about an oz from each of the 3 plants, not bad, id say average if your just starting out, plus ur in soil with a single 400W light. i average 3oz a plant in hydro growing ak47. just saying... keep it up and yeah step it up jk good job!


Active Member
i've been doing this strain about 10 times but keep it on a budget, took a couple years off tho before this crop. It smokes good and the trichombes are ripe, but fuck its all hairy and the plant was dead as fuck when i harvested around week 9. I'd giver a 6 out of 10