How would you like your corpse handled??


Well-Known Member
I figure I'll do the old fashioned thing. No juice. No nothing.

I wonder if they would put me in there nekkid and throw compost in there with me? Maybe even drill holes in the bottom so I decompose faster.

I don't want to be dug up in 500 years and put on display in a museum.

This model has a shelf option so you can actually use your casket up until you really need it.



Well-Known Member
me i wanna be Cremated then the ashes put in the ground and a tree planted on top so i end up fertin the tree and live on


Well-Known Member
Cremation but that idea with the burial with no casket and planting a tree over you sounds cool to and I bet Cryogenic freezing cost a fortune so thats out of the question.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
the tree compost idea is the best so far
rent a real nice casket
put my body in it in the ground just for the funeral,
when my friends and fam leave have my body removed from it and placed back into the ground naked if possible
have the whole closed an a tree planted above it (something that gets big and has fruit or nuts, maybe, or is that gay )
and have it done on my own land
now were talking

midnight smoker

Active Member
I want to fake my own death then I will attend my own funeral. I would have like stripers and a keg and have a band playing classic rock. then have a giant plastic cake then I would pop out of it at the end of the funeral

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
The viking funerals not bad but you need a live virgin girl to burn on the ship with you. Without the beautiful virgin on board it's just not the same. What a shame.

. I'd like to be planted under a tree in my parents yard next to the trees that my best dogs are burried under. I'd be in good company that way and with my very best friends.


Well-Known Member
Okay Okay, Iv'e thought of this since I was six. I like the idea till this day - I'm going to have my body rebuilt to be anamatronic, and it will have a speaker that will emit random slogan

Anybody else have crazy grandiose desires for designing there funeral or own death? I want to die fighting on a mountain cliff with two chainsaws strapped to my arms and a flame thrower somehow grafted to one, fighting a bakers dozen of rabid starved grizzly bears drugged with pcp. Like a man.
i like your style...