How would you handle ISIS and the situation in the Middle East?


Well-Known Member
Get the fuck out of there and let them kill themselves off.
Do you think we hold any responsibility for what happens to innocent people in the Middle East if we choose to do nothing and the problem spreads?

Would your opinion change if more frequent attacks began taking place in Europe or other western allied nations?

Would it change if they attacked the US?


Well-Known Member
So let me say this. they have recently killed china men and Ukraine men. They now have France china ukraine Russia etc going after them. America should learn so sit back drink a cup of coffee and watch the war unfold before our eyes. Theres 5 hell prob 15 or more countries about to tear that ass up. If they were to bomb or harm N. Korea i woukd truly feel sorry as there fuckin nut jobs. They have never bombed us (the 9/11 attacks was an inside job by our own government so we can open the door to the iraq afghan etc to at the time to get hussein Osama etc.
Fuck them all I would give 2 choices take me to your ruler or die were u stand. Those are my options

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Well-Known Member
Do you think we hold any responsibility for what happens to innocent people in the Middle East if we choose to do nothing and the problem spreads?

Would your opinion change if more frequent attacks began taking place in Europe or other western allied nations?

Would it change if they attacked the US?
We, the United States of America, are not responsible for protecting the innocent around the world. These people need to understand that the root of their problem is that they are governed by the doctrine of their religion. Until they understand that there needs to be a separation of church and government, the blood shed will continue.

No, my opinion will only be strengthened should terror attacks increase abroad.

No, my opinion would not change if they attacked the U.S. but I would like to see that whole region wiped out with several nukes.


Well-Known Member
We, the United States of America, are not responsible for protecting the innocent around the world. These people need to understand that the root of their problem is that they are governed by the doctrine of their religion. Until they understand that there needs to be a separation of church and government, the blood shed will continue.

No, my opinion will only be strengthened should terror attacks increase abroad.

No, my opinion would not change if they attacked the U.S. but I would like to see that whole region wiped out with several nukes.
Do you feel we are responsible for creating the situation that has led to the rise if ISIS in the Middle East? (the invasion of Iraq in 2003) If so, wouldn't you agree we have a responsibility to the people fleeing the areas? If I come over to your house, get drunk and piss on your couch, then bail in the middle of the night and let you take the blame from your wife in the morning, are you going to be pissed at me?

Islam is practiced all over the world, there are 1.2 billion Muslims - you can't nuke them all, even if you could, you can't destroy an ideology with bombs. If Muslim extremists started killing Christians, do you think Christianity would disappear from the face of the Earth? Of course not, right? It would likely create more Christians to stand against it, just like killing extremists creates more of them, hence why we've seen substantially more Islamic extremist terrorist attacks since the war on terror began..


Active Member
sterilization seems to be the easiest course of action. Treat them like bacteria. Taint their drinking water and the problem begins to solve itself in a couple of decades.


Well-Known Member
Why is western Europe expected to let all these refugees in? Why doesn't Israel let in these refuges from Syria and other middle east countries in??


Well-Known Member

Why do you think?

Why don't they let in any Palestinians?

Fuck Israel
Yes exactly. Such hypocritical bullshit. They want them to go to Europe. Look at this shit that's happening, if your against immigration in some parts of Europe you'll be considered a racist. Nevermind being proud to be European then you'll definitely considered a racist, especially in Sweden.


Well-Known Member
I think we should sit back and chill for a bit. Sell munitions and artillery to the Kurds and allied countries that want to buy our shit, but prepare for larger more in your face action. This shit is going to be a bigger conflict soon, and we may get pulled into it.

Forgot to say that I would empower the states to decide about the refugees though, they can do what they feel
Is right. This shit will surely end up on our shores, as we're target #1, it's just a matter of when.

Whether North Korea or Isis or Boko haran or homegrown terrorists or refugees, it doesn't matter, this shit is global and we will be attacked. When we do, we'll pull another dubya or Hollande and bomb the fuck outta whoever claims responsibility. Then it will escalate.

Start preparing yourselves for the next decade of fuck all, because it's on.
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Well-Known Member
Why is western Europe expected to let all these refugees in? Why doesn't Israel let in these refuges from Syria and other middle east countries in??
At least Israel could help with some of the burden for humanitarian reasons. But shit, we are talking about Israel, right , and I'm pretty sure share and help are 2 words missing from their language. They get a pass. (again)


Well-Known Member
I think we should sit back and chill for a bit. Sell munitions and artillery to the Kurds and allied countries that want to buy our shit, but prepare for larger more in your face action. This shit is going to be a bigger conflict soon, and we may get pulled into it.

Forgot to say that I would empower the states to decide about the refugees though, they can do what they feel
Is right. This shit will surely end up on our shores, as we're target #1, it's just a matter of when.

Whether North Korea or Isis or Boko haran or homegrown terrorists or refugees, it doesn't matter, this shit is global and we will be attacked. When we do, we'll pull another dubya or Hollande and bomb the fuck outta whoever claims responsibility. Then it will escalate
Start preparing yourselves for the next decade of fuck all, because it's on.
I definitely feel the same way. There's been some bad shit for the past ten years but it seem there could be a large global conflict/ crisis happening. Look at what's happening in Europe.. millions of middle east immigrants have taken over many of there cities rioting for years.
I feel there's so many reasons most of the middle east/radical Islamist they hate us, the states. We're in their lands for one, bombing the shit out of them with drones for one, but also are ties with the Saudi families and oil, also are ties with Israel. Israel pays for foreign Jewish people to come live in Israel but when asks about taking in immigrants from the middle east, they so no we are a small country we can't have people come here. They are Jewish state. Imagine if Ireland said fuck no more Blacks, Jews, Protestants, Bi-cultural Americans, Spanish, India people, we want to be a Catholic white all Irish country. People would wig the fuck out. I just hope we someday can find peace, what we need to do as humans is fight religious ideologies which I believe its the reason there is so much hate in the world.


Well-Known Member
If I was Obama, I would help to organize a world wide coalition of nations that would be set up in every country surrounding Syria that has a problem with Daesh (except for our greatest ally, Israel of course, who would just moan and bitch anyway). In these countries, amass like 500,000 or so troops and fucking attack the shit out of Daesh, using all means necessary to kill as many of them as soon as possible, so all the Islamic motherfuckers can have a face to face discussion with Allah, really soon. Kill them all, their children, wives, fathers, mothers etc. No fucking mercy. Sorry, but that pretty much is the way I feel right now after reading about Bali.


Well-Known Member
I definitely feel the same way. There's been some bad shit for the past ten years but it seem there could be a large global conflict/ crisis happening. Look at what's happening in Europe.. millions of middle east immigrants have taken over many of there cities rioting for years.
I feel there's so many reasons most of the middle east/radical Islamist they hate us, the states. We're in their lands for one, bombing the shit out of them with drones for one, but also are ties with the Saudi families and oil, also are ties with Israel. Israel pays for foreign Jewish people to come live in Israel but when asks about taking in immigrants from the middle east, they so no we are a small country we can't have people come here. They are Jewish state. Imagine if Ireland said fuck no more Blacks, Jews, Protestants, Bi-cultural Americans, Spanish, India people, we want to be a Catholic white all Irish country. People would wig the fuck out. I just hope we someday can find peace, what we need to do as humans is fight religious ideologies which I believe its the reason there is so much hate in the world.
Been to Dublin lately? I know I pine for the day's when it was populated by white, sexually molested Irish Catholics, and if you took a poll, I'm sure most Dubliners would agree with me.


Well-Known Member
Kill the top leaders and then start to cut off their funding. Isis makes millions off black market oil. Start hitting them where it hurts. Then take away their recruitment methods. No internet for these fuck boys. Anonymous says they are going to expose hundreds off isis members. Let the world know where these extremist and their families sleep at night. Potential recruits would think twice about joining if they knew all their personal information was on the web for the world to see.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I definitely feel the same way. There's been some bad shit for the past ten years but it seem there could be a large global conflict/ crisis happening. Look at what's happening in Europe.. millions of middle east immigrants have taken over many of there cities rioting for years.
I feel there's so many reasons most of the middle east/radical Islamist they hate us, the states. We're in their lands for one, bombing the shit out of them with drones for one, but also are ties with the Saudi families and oil, also are ties with Israel. Israel pays for foreign Jewish people to come live in Israel but when asks about taking in immigrants from the middle east, they so no we are a small country we can't have people come here. They are Jewish state. Imagine if Ireland said fuck no more Blacks, Jews, Protestants, Bi-cultural Americans, Spanish, India people, we want to be a Catholic white all Irish country. People would wig the fuck out. I just hope we someday can find peace, what we need to do as humans is fight religious ideologies which I believe its the reason there is so much hate in the world.
The jews and the muslims are always going to be at war.

Muslims believe that jews changed the bible and that they are the ones descended from the heir of isreal.
If you start reading up on muhammed and the start of muslim faith you can see there was conflict between the jews and the muslims.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It all starts with issac and ishmael the sons of abraham.

Christians and Jews believe what is in the bible and Muslims believe the bible was changed for the Jews to have justification for taking Israel.

Muslims believe that Muhammed (spellcheck?) was a prophet of god and that his written words and spoken words were judgement passed down from god.

There were times when muslims would allow christians and jews to live peacefully among them. They were subject to a tax for being non muslim but were otherwise untouched.

There were still conflicts between the Jews and Muslims. The very existence of the bible where issac inherits isreal is an attack on the muslims claims that they are the chosen people of god.