Well-Known Member
So, how would you reform the law to make sure all the racists get what is coming to them?
Put a noose in every oak tree with a sign that says "Whites Only"?

So, how would you reform the law to make sure all the racists get what is coming to them?
YOu got that right but you left out the part where if Zimmerman was black he would be doing 3-20 for manslaughter and in prison already. And yes I am sure you think of Martin as "another dead nigger"
take self defense off the books when you follow someone, because at that point your are on the offensive, not the defensive.
see something suspicious? report it. don't follow, don't provoke, don't take the law into your own hands, you are not the police. call it the anti-vigilantism law.
The law is fine...
The problem, in this particular case, is blacks who cry "foul" for a thug like Trayvon...yes he was a THUG...there...I said it...
what about the whites who cry foul like myself? why are you so focused on just black people?*
how is walking home with skittles while talking on the phone "thug" behavior?
oh, i forgot. you're just a two bit racist.
Well Buck, it seems to me that after a FAIR TRIAL demanded by MOSTLY black people, that we have continued outrage...mostly by black people...not entirely...but mostly just the same...
Most blacks (and some whites) didn't want a fair trial...they wanted a LYNCHING...well, an impartial jury agreed to by the prosecution, who heard all the EVIDENCE, disagreed...unanimously
you didn't answer the question, what about whites like myself? why are you ONLY focused on black people?
for your edification, three of the six jurors' thought zimm was guilty at first. two for manslaughter, one for murder 2.
Buck, I don't dispute the jurors INITIAL feelings...but after deliberation, they ALL agreed to acquit...
And I don't dispute that there are a lot of white people who disagree with the verdict...just as there are some black people (watch Fox News) who agree with it...
Anyone who disagrees with it is wrong...and most are racist...yes, blacks can be racists too Buck...
did you conduct a poll or something?
What leads you to believe he's better than that. He has 50,000 moronic posts in a year that say otherwise.
Sounds about right. All that sitting around is why he is so filled with hate.
HAHAHA So much hate from such a small-minded individual.
Zimmerman's heroic visage should be carved into Mt Rushmore.
well, maybe you have a shot at getting to heaven. your savior was a pedo after all, just like you.
So much hate in you. Have you mastered the Dark Side of the force?
Other than you 50,000 hate-filled posts in 1 years time? LOL So much hate in you. I'm surprised you're no suicidal. Nobody likes you.
Love that hoof coming in with the popcorn at the end.