How will your epitaph read?

No epitaph. I am not going to rely on written language. Those got 'stinct all the time. Look at the way the Egyptians became indecipherable for a while. We only bothered to relearn that shit because it was pretty huge and important looking. What chance does my tombstone have? Pictures are worth 1000 words.

I want something like this.

and one for my wife

I'd fuck her.

Yeah I heard he pissed off a bunch of African Americans with his BBQ buddies

Naw lol i was out doing ty related activities like fishing and fucking mr.righty I'll disappear from time to time cuz im camping and raping cannoers

@rory420420 knows what im talking about its a Virginia/west Virginia thing you outsiders won't get it
My tombstone would read:



"Here lies a atheist so go stick that crucifix up your ass you sorry fuck"

Gonna get buried at a Catholic church too lol
Being the age my wife & myself are we've allready bought our Marker plates for the family Columbarium my parents bought within the Mausoleum for the family urns , were paid up for everything so our sons dont have to deal with anything when we lay down.

My eldest son is with my parents & his marker says Levi Garrett jr , Son of Leyla & Levi Garrett sr, Brother & friend gave his life in the defense of others & is sadly missed , a USMC badge & American flag adorns the top of his marker .

Mine says Levi Garret sr , Devoted father of sons Levi jr , Joseph , Caleb , Ever loving Husband of Leyla Garrett , son of Marshall & Patricia Garrett , my plate is adorned with an American flag matching my son's flag .

My wifes says Leyla Garrett / Ataya , Loving Mother of son's Levi jr , Joseph , Caleb , Devoted wife of Levi Garrett sr , daughter of Hateem & Assi Ataya & a friend to all who knew her , her plate is adorned with the Lebanese flag & American flag .

These are our real names & real markers so please no silly comments being my eldest son is allready there .
Being the age my wife & myself are we've allready bought our Marker plates for the family Columbarium my parents bought within the Mausoleum for the family urns , were paid up for everything so our sons dont have to deal with anything when we lay down.

My eldest son is with my parents & his marker says Levi Garrett jr , Son of Leyla & Levi Garrett sr, Brother & friend gave his life in the defense of others & is sadly missed , a USMC badge & American flag adorns the top of his marker .

Mine says Levi Garret sr , Devoted father of sons Levi jr , Joseph , Caleb , Ever loving Husband of Leyla Garrett , son of Marshall & Patricia Garrett , my plate is adorned with an American flag matching my son's flag .

My wifes says Leyla Garrett / Ataya , Loving Mother of son's Levi jr , Joseph , Caleb , Devoted wife of Levi Garrett sr , daughter of Hateem & Assi Ataya & a friend to all who knew her , her plate is adorned with the Lebanese flag & American flag .

These are our real names & real markers so please no silly comments being my eldest son is allready there .

Have you ever heard of Levi Garrett chewing tobacco?

Any relation that chew brand or is it just a coincidence

Sorry I'm just curious is all
Being the age my wife & myself are we've allready bought our Marker plates for the family Columbarium my parents bought within the Mausoleum for the family urns , were paid up for everything so our sons dont have to deal with anything when we lay down.

My eldest son is with my parents & his marker says Levi Garrett jr , Son of Leyla & Levi Garrett sr, Brother & friend gave his life in the defense of others & is sadly missed , a USMC badge & American flag adorns the top of his marker .

Mine says Levi Garret sr , Devoted father of sons Levi jr , Joseph , Caleb , Ever loving Husband of Leyla Garrett , son of Marshall & Patricia Garrett , my plate is adorned with an American flag matching my son's flag .

My wifes says Leyla Garrett / Ataya , Loving Mother of son's Levi jr , Joseph , Caleb , Devoted wife of Levi Garrett sr , daughter of Hateem & Assi Ataya & a friend to all who knew her , her plate is adorned with the Lebanese flag & American flag .

These are our real names & real markers so please no silly comments being my eldest son is allready there .