How will my setup work


Active Member
Ok I have been planning my room for a long time now and the more I think about it the more I go from one idea to another. Finaly I think I nerrowed it down pretty good just want some pro input and sorry for my spelling.

My problem is picking my Hydro system I plan to use a drip feeding system for my veg. And a flood and drain system for flower

I plan to have a 2'x4' tray with drains hooked up returning to a 12 gallon res. filled with 5 gallons and a water pump 120GPH pumping into a drip feeder that feeds momma and clones im pretty set on that for veg but open for imput.

Too flower I want a 3x3 ebb and flow tray that does the basic one line hooked to a water pump same 120GPH that is also the drain and a line hooked up to the "fill point" drain and both lines leading back to the 12 gallon res. Filled with 8 gallons

Here is my problem I dont know if this system will give my the best yeild and one that dont use alot of nutes to save $$ anyways im not sure to fill they ebb tray with clay pebbles or to use planters filled with pebbles and set those into the ebb and flow tray. Im thinking of using the planters so I can rotate to get the outside girls closer to the light

And exahust should I hook the inline fan to the lights SUCKING air from another room and should I hang the can fan above plants SUCKING air from plants down to scrubber and from the scrubber out doors OR should I put the scrubber by the plants and can fan behind so it would be Scruber to fan with the fan sucking From the filter outside.

Some of the EPUIPMENT
VEG and CLONES Drip system
1 MOTHER 10 Clones:

2'x4' tray
(2) 4 ft flouro's 6500 k plant lights
1 2ft flouro clones
12 Gallon rubermaid tub res filled with 5 Gallons distilled water
Fox farm nutes

Flood and drain 8 LADIES:

600W HPS for flower 6" air cooled hood
3'x3' tray
12 Gallon rubermaid tub res filled with 8 Gallons distilled water
424 cfm fan with 6" carbon filter for medium to large room
6" inline duct fan
Homemade Co2
Fox farm nutes

I realy hope you can understand this it seems alot less complicated in my head but any feedback would be great and on my strain "Crystal" how is it vs. WW or something in that nature??????? PLEASE RESPOND


Well-Known Member
welcome . let me see if i can at least get you started,

first, there are not a lot of people on this site who can help you. but they are here. keep bumping your thread until you run into someone with the right experience.

second, are you crazy? why would you go with such a complicated design for what is presumably (???) your first real grow. i would strongly recommend a couple of plants in dirt for your first grow and then your plan for the ideal room will be based on your real world experience.

don't forget to read my sig line :blsmoke:


Active Member
Thanks for the repy and I know it sounds it bit much for my first grow but ive done alot more research than is sounds in my post and I consider my mysyelf pretty hands on and do have 2 years in salt water aquarium exp. so a lil fillilular with the lights and wat ph etc. And yes I know NOT THE SAME but I do fill confident that this will work:weed:


Well-Known Member
Chrystal is good shit is this Nirvanas or Chrystal?
all this you wanna do it big huh?


Active Member
I havent choose nirvana or ive been reading and it looks like nirvana has better reputaiojn and USA shipping seems better but yet I dont know which do you think will be better and im only expecting 8oz every 2mths
i think u want more floros for veg if u got a mother and ten clones there if those are basic shoplights even if they are t5s add some more..flower should be good soundslike u got everything for that.. u should run thelight on and test temps to be sure...8oz every two months a oz off of each plant is possible. but you can do better with the right style of growing.what method you plan on using???


Active Member
what do you mean by style like SOG if so no I plan to veg to about 18-20 inch and flower from there i have about 5 1/2' vertical growing room hope I answerd that right

Also what about the ebb tray should I just use it as one big planter and flood that or just put 8 seperate planters that just flood as the water and nutes rise???:joint:
the planting part is up to you..sea of green where you veg mothers take clones from the mother root them and put them to flower,you get a consistent harvest with more shorter plants quicker than taking longer growing bigger plants
its up to you on how fast you want bud or how much you want at one time?...s.o.g you flower 20-25 percent of your tray with rooted clones every 2-3 weeks so each 2-3 weeks yu putting your growing clones that are flowering in another portion of the tray and filling it with more cutting from your momplant that rooted. so by the time u harvest your first set you can have more coming in 2-3 more weeks,or you can scrog,lst or supercrop and yeild about 3-6 ozs in full cycles