I think alcohol is only legal becoz 'the big fat man' knows it makes a ton of cash... cash from when you 'buy the drink in the first place' and then oooops crash your car funny now 'you gotta spend money on a new one' then you gotta 'spend money on hospital bills' then you gotta spend 'more money on shrink treatment coz when you crashed u killed all yor mates in the back seat..... then you pay some more money for 'pain meds' then you get alcohol related diseases such as kidney failure - wow - now you gotta pay more and more and more and more............. Alcohol I think is a very clever government trick...... makes us think we are 'free coz we drink ... and makes them very rich coz we drink..... mmmmmmmmmmm...... 
I bet pharmaceutical companys are only surviving mainly becoz of alcohol and tabacco............
s'all very fishy indeed..........
main reason why cannabis is illegal almost everywhere, malboro and budweiser run our economy but they also play into the hands of government, they keep people(the consumer) needy and wanting to spend money to keep the economy going. alcohol and tobacco are not "condoned" by government, but they let them advertise on television as well as sponsor political campaigns, they know what they support but dont like to admit that they are gladly killing the population rather than letting them smoke an herb that can help you live 20 years longer.
government is pro death, slowly killing us and making us come back so the economy can continue.