How to...


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering, besides drinking alot of water, does anybody know a way to pass a urinary drug test? It's one of those ones with the strips on the sides that has lines appear for everything your positive for, if that helps. I have heard of alot of home remedies, but is there any technique that you guys have used yourself and passed a test before?
sober friends urine in a bagie taped to inside of ur leg, u rip it and pee .
theres thiss hit that looks and passes as urine its a powder u mixwith water forgot name. claim u ate poppy seed muffin that morning and hopefully when they ask for another 1 ull have been cleaned byt then
True. Only the last one would be able to work for me, cause im on probation, so I they watch me to make sure that its my dick in a cup, and not something like that. Thanks for the advice anyways though.
oh that sucks i hate dick in cup ones. ya bribe them or do the poppy seed thing, and i want u to drink so much water (and gatorade so u dont die of flushing ur system of so much salt ) that u start urinating in ur bed cause atleast ur getting rid of the thc
Haha, how much did you guys normally have to spend on your bribes? And have you heard of taking Niacin pills before? I was just looking it up online and found it.
Niacin never worked for me, but water always did the trick. I was on probation from 12-16, went in for two years then spent 18-19 on parole, water ALWAYS worked for me. One gallon of water 1 hour before piss test. Make sure you piss enough BEFORE YOU GO TO PROBATION so that the only thing coming out is clear water. The strips dont test for creatine, they only test for the byproducts of the drugs they are looking for. If its a lab test, then dont bother with the water.

EDIT--I have tried the Niacin before, becareful with that. I cant say for sure that it works by itself, but it will raise creatine levels, along with the water this is how to pass the lab test. Don't take too much niacin, research alot on it first. Be safe, and good luck
I have a couple of days until my test. So I just decided not to smoke, and I am taking two niacin a day (normal dose is one) and drinking plenty of water. I have to go in for the test at like 10 am, so the night before i will drink a gallon +. And then when I wake up, I always have to piss, but since i drank I gallon of water, I will have to even more. Thanks for the advice everyone.
Make sure you drink the one gallon of water ONE to at most TWO hours before your test, or else, by the time you get there, you will be pissing your toxins again. Becareful man.
Easy my roommate does it once a month for probation.
He uses sure-gel (gelatin for making jello or pies).

He boils some water and then empties the pack in it.
He then pours it over ice in a cup and drinks it.

He does this about an hour before he goes to take a test.

When he takes the test he is pissing nothing but water.
The stick tests can not determine if your piss is dilute.

Those stick tests are easy to pass.
The ones that are hard are the ones that you have to pee in a cup and they send off to a lab.

With the lab test it is best to get some clean piss and carry it in and pour it in the cup.
The trouble with that is keeping it at body temp.
Well, I had my drug test today, and I passed. I last smoked on sunday, and today is wednesday. All I have been doing is taking Niacin on monday and tuesday, and then today, before I left to take the test, I drank a gallon of water. Also before I left I tried this: I took a cup of bleach, and dipped a knife in it. You dip the knife in the water. I repeated this twice, and swirled the water around. I chugged the water and the guy said I passed with flying colors.