Well-Known Member
Be nice to see some tried'n true gimmicks to help us grow..plus I dig gimmicks..maybe it's just me? Post more if you know of any and reviews if you tried any of them..
Here's a few to start..
One tip is to roll up a long length of paper towel into a tight rope..one end in a container of water and the other around the inside of your pot on the soil..It really does work.
Here's some pretty cool products
Sorta the same as my paper towel method but a lot neater and simpler: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000PGOON8/ref=pe_232610_24639070_pe_epc_dt3
Drywater: kinda expensive but there seems to be a lot of packs and it'd be more expensive to lose your ladies. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EO2PXQ/ref=pe_232610_24639070_pe_epc_dt1
Then there's these things most people know about & these seemed to be the best price for similar ones: http://www.amazon.com/Aqua-Globes-Mini-Set-3/dp/B00282IK3M/ref=pd_sim_ac_1
Noticed a thread about whattya do if you have no papers..and my response was...I always dig taking a piece of fruit...say an apple..most any fruit'll work....poke a hole in one side with a sharp stick or pencil and one through the top connecting the other one...then drop your nuggie in and fire'r up..when you're done..eat the apple
if you have a drop of tin foil you can poke some holes in it to make a screen, thats what I do.
OK..you're up!

Here's a few to start..
One tip is to roll up a long length of paper towel into a tight rope..one end in a container of water and the other around the inside of your pot on the soil..It really does work.
Here's some pretty cool products
Sorta the same as my paper towel method but a lot neater and simpler: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000PGOON8/ref=pe_232610_24639070_pe_epc_dt3
Drywater: kinda expensive but there seems to be a lot of packs and it'd be more expensive to lose your ladies. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EO2PXQ/ref=pe_232610_24639070_pe_epc_dt1
Then there's these things most people know about & these seemed to be the best price for similar ones: http://www.amazon.com/Aqua-Globes-Mini-Set-3/dp/B00282IK3M/ref=pd_sim_ac_1
Noticed a thread about whattya do if you have no papers..and my response was...I always dig taking a piece of fruit...say an apple..most any fruit'll work....poke a hole in one side with a sharp stick or pencil and one through the top connecting the other one...then drop your nuggie in and fire'r up..when you're done..eat the apple

OK..you're up!