How to Ventilate a closet with no access when cutting isnt an option!


Well-Known Member
Had a great Idea the other day. I was racking my brain trying to figure out how to Ventilate. I have no access to anything besides for the door and cutting shit up isnt an option since I do not own the place. then it dawned on me everything has to go in and out the door right? So I hopped in the car and rode over to home depot and bought me a door made cuts in it for the intake and exhaust and hung it up. Total cost was 70 dollars and that was with having to buy a saw. after you make the cuts get covers like for central and you cant even see the holes. I also put a filterscent behind it so when it exhausts makes my other room smell like citrus lol. Cuts look like shit but all I had access to was a sawzall and a drill with one inch wood bit haha. Someone prolly had this idea before and put it up here but if not just figured id help. you can buy a cheap door from home depot for about 30 bucks and do whatever you want to it.


Hey man you did what I would have done. Buy a cheap door to use is perfect. I would have gone with a "hole saw" bit.
You can buy them for about $15 and up. You put them in your drill and they cut perfect circles. But hell man you got it
done, it looks good and it works so thats what matters.

I have a question about the fan. Does it vibrate the door? It seems like it would.


Well-Known Member
The big one vibrates a little the smaller intake fan not at all. I am in the process of moving the big a lil off the door and just ducting to the hole I made. The noise isnt that bad but I am making the outer room an office/game room and it would annoy me too much.


For that much money you could have hired a guy to patch and repaint the hole you made venting into the attic.


Well-Known Member
For that much money you could have hired a guy to patch and repaint the hole you made venting into the attic.
its a storage place where every person has a unit. even filtered that dosen't sound like a good idea lol. But if that wasnt the case good point


Well-Known Member
For that much money you could have hired a guy to patch and repaint the hole you made venting into the attic.

Thats what I was thinking 30 minute mud is like 7 dollars 4 inch knife 3-5 dollars
white paint at walmart 5-15 dollars

Dont get me wrong, it looks great and is def a good idea.


Well-Known Member
its not legal here. read above post, Going to jail or getting evicted for two lousy plants dosent sound appealing to me. Maybe you dont like where you live I dunno haha


Active Member
And no one else in this storage facility was confused as to why your door is vibrating emitting light and has fans attached to it....but a hole in the ceiling would be a dead give away....

alright then.


Well-Known Member
Im in a closet haha. A walk in. I live on the top floor of a building with multiple residents. The attic space is sectioned off into storage areas for the residents to store like grills and bicycles things of that nature. If I cut into the ceiling I would venting into an area everyone in the building had access to and where people frequently go to put stuff into storage or take stuff out