How to validate a stereotype, presented by Buzzfeed

the greatness of @Shroominnm




i mean, it almost looks like the dried flowers of a cannabis plant.

with some algae growing on it.
we can compare grows if you like, but i don't flower under CFLs. just let me know.

stay stupidin'

Is this for real or is it like every other piece of evidence you "claim" to have to support your opinions.. false?

I use leds and t5s, and I dont really mind what you have to say about them because they work for me, and that's all I'm going for.
Where's your pics?
I halfway don't think you could grow a plant if you tried your hardest, prove me wrong.

Post your journal link bucky

stay smokin'
Is this for real or is it like every other piece of evidence you "claim" to have to support your opinions.. false?

I use leds and t5s, and I dont really mind what you have to say about them because they work for me, and that's all I'm going for.
Where's your pics?
I halfway don't think you could grow a plant if you tried your hardest, prove me wrong.

Post your journal link bucky

stay smokin'

Was it you who built the go cart too? Did you finish it, If so will you please post more pics.
Thx, Stay'n spun out
the greatness of @Shroominnm




i mean, it almost looks like the dried flowers of a cannabis plant.

with some algae growing on it.

Hahaha yes I had a ph problem when I left for a week over Thanksgiving, I'm not mad! I have just started cutting those 2 plants down and I am satisfied with the result.

As for that picture you posted, that does not put my suspicion that you can't grow at bay.. post a link to your grow journal, if not, then at least give whoever it is on Google that you stole the picture from some credit.

I don't believe you know the first thing about growing..

I dont claim to be a pro, but you are much closer to being "middle aged" than me, and if you have been growing I would expect you to have years of experience on me?

What I'm saying is your comparing apples to oranges, because I'm young and still have room to learn techniques and grow my knowledge, where as you are old as dirt and stuck in your ways..

So keep comparing your grows to nooks If it makes you feel better about yourself lol

stay smokin'


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Hahaha yes I had a ph problem when I left for a week over Thanksgiving, I'm not mad! I have just started cutting those 2 plants down and I am satisfied with the result.

As for that picture you posted, that does not put my suspicion that you can't grow at bay.. post a link to your grow journal, if not, then at least give whoever it is on Google that you stole the picture from some credit.

I don't believe you know the first thing about growing..

I dont claim to be a pro, but you are much closer to being "middle aged" than me, and if you have been growing I would expect you to have years of experience on me?

What I'm saying is your comparing apples to oranges, because I'm young and still have room to learn techniques and grow my knowledge, where as you are old as dirt and stuck in your ways..

So keep comparing your grows to nooks If it makes you feel better about yourself lol

stay smokin'

nice mids.
the greatness of @Shroominnm




i mean, it almost looks like the dried flowers of a cannabis plant.

with some algae growing on it.


Holy shit! That could very possibly be the fugliest plant I've ever seen.

What I'm saying is your comparing apples to oranges, because I'm young and still have room to learn techniques and grow my knowledge, where as you are old as dirt and stuck in your ways..

That makes no sense, but whatever.

I'm not a Hillary fan, but you can't deny what all of our intelligence agencies have concluded. Russia, and Putin hacked DNC servers in an effort to sway the election. Now, maybe they're wrong, but I'm in no position to doubt them. Are you privy to some classified intel that suggests otherwise? If so I'd love to hear it...
I'm not a Hillary fan, but you can't deny what all of our intelligence agencies have concluded. Russia, and Putin hacked DNC servers in an effort to sway the election. Now, maybe they're wrong, but I'm in no position to doubt them. Are you privy to some classified intel that suggests otherwise? If so I'd love to hear it...
Have you seen any actual evidence or are you taking the FBI and CIA's word for it? The last time our national intelligence agencies told us to trust them, we ended up in Iraq and Afghanistan

Anyone that is making the claim Russian involvement influenced the outcome of the general election must also admit DNC, media and the Clinton campaign collusion influenced the outcome of the Democratic primary, otherwise, what would there have been to leak?
patently false.

you are literally repeating trump's lies.
I'm stating a fact of reality. The Bush administration told us to trust them about WMD's, that was one of the main reasons we invaded Iraq;


What's wrong with asking to see the evidence before jumping to a conclusion that has political implications for the entire world?

It's not a very progressive position to just trust what the government says

I thought you said the DNC didn't do anything wrong during the primary, so why would anyone care if the content of some emails got released? Even after reading the same thing everyone else read, you claimed there was still nothing suspicious or wrong that was exposed
the bush administration is not the CIA genius.
The Bush administration's claim of WMDs in Iraq as a justification for the invasion was taken from members of the intelligence community (FBI, CIA)

"George Bush, in a moment of reflection ahead of his departure from the White House, last night admitted that the decision to go to war against Saddam Hussein on the basis of flawed intelligence was the biggest regret of his presidency. The acknowledgment marks the first time that Bush has publicly expressed doubts about his rationale for going to war on Iraq.

In the run-up to the war, the White House adopted a position of absolute certainty that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, basing its arguments on intelligence that was later exposed as flimsy and wrong.

"The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq," Bush told ABC television in an interview scheduled for broadcast last night. "I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess." But he followed that moment of candour with an attempt to try to deflect charges that the White House misled Congress and the public to build a case for war, arguing that there had been widespread belief that Saddam had a nuclear arsenal."

Why don't you just post the evidence Russia and Putin hacked the DNC that convinced you?

Why are you avoiding answering what was so bad in the DNC email leak that could have influenced Americans to vote for Trump over Clinton?
The Bush administration's claim of WMDs in Iraq as a justification for the invasion was taken from members of the intelligence community (FBI, CIA)

cherrypicked, you mean.

and also, some of the shit was just made up. google "the 16 words" you goddamn infant.
The Bush administration's claim of WMDs in Iraq as a justification for the invasion was taken from members of the intelligence community (FBI, CIA)

"George Bush, in a moment of reflection ahead of his departure from the White House, last night admitted that the decision to go to war against Saddam Hussein on the basis of flawed intelligence was the biggest regret of his presidency. The acknowledgment marks the first time that Bush has publicly expressed doubts about his rationale for going to war on Iraq.

In the run-up to the war, the White House adopted a position of absolute certainty that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, basing its arguments on intelligence that was later exposed as flimsy and wrong.

"The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq," Bush told ABC television in an interview scheduled for broadcast last night. "I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess." But he followed that moment of candour with an attempt to try to deflect charges that the White House misled Congress and the public to build a case for war, arguing that there had been widespread belief that Saddam had a nuclear arsenal."

Why don't you just post the evidence Russia and Putin hacked the DNC that convinced you?

Why are you avoiding answering what was so bad in the DNC email leak that could have influenced Americans to vote for Trump over Clinton?

Wasn't it the same intelligence that warned the Bush administration about 9-11?

Any way, I thought the intelligence on Iraq came from the british.
cherrypicked, you mean.

and also, some of the shit was just made up. google "the 16 words" you goddamn infant.
Right, the government cherry picked intelligence to push an agenda, so you shouldn't tacitly accept what the government says

So why are you willing to accept what the government is saying without seeing the evidence first?

Where are you expecting to go with the Russia angle? If the DNC didn't do anything wrong, there wouldn't have been anything that could have been hacked that could have influenced the outcome of the election. So what do you think the DNC did wrong?

Let's rack up how many times we can get you to avoid that question
Wasn't it the same intelligence that warned the Bush administration about 9-11?

Any way, I thought the intelligence on Iraq came from the british.
It came from a coalition of a dozen different nations governments from what I remember, headed by the US government

So why would someone claiming to be a liberal argue governments should automatically be trusted without reviewing the evidence first?