How to tell if my clones are rooting or not?

A friend was throwing out all there clones(starting over with some new ones) and gave me whatever i wanted. i put them into Organic flower pots filled with Coco and set them in a Tupperware container with 1/2 inch of water and put a humidity dome over. i used olivias cloning gel, and the flower pots are extremely delicate when wet so the roots can easily pop through. i gave them a tug and they didnt wanna pull out of the coco. and the tips of the leaves are brown/yellowish i was told its a sign there pulling nutes from the plant to create roots? is that true? :leaf:
+ Rep for help


Well-Known Member
A friend was throwing out all there clones(starting over with some new ones) and gave me whatever i wanted. i put them into Organic flower pots filled with Coco and set them in a Tupperware container with 1/2 inch of water and put a humidity dome over. i used olivias cloning gel, and the flower pots are extremely delicate when wet so the roots can easily pop through. i gave them a tug and they didnt wanna pull out of the coco. and the tips of the leaves are brown/yellowish i was told its a sign there pulling nutes from the plant to create roots? is that true? :leaf:
+ Rep for help
im on my first grow myself but i would say that sounds about right
let em go anyway what can you lose? lol
good luck
aha thanks man. and yeah but i hope they root nothing like 28 free female ak48 clones haha
they look good not droopy but, good luck with your grow (:
+rep to ya


Active Member
You need to be careful if there is to much water they will rot. keep misting them everyday to keep them from wilting