Do this.. or yes just call and ask honestly, then proceed to a different location if their suggestions work in your favor. If its in the same state, i wouldnt see a problem. In Canada you can ship all over the country, no one gives a shit (obv. there are still risks, nothing like stupid fucking MERICA though) All in all the only person that is likely to get in shit for doing this is the person who is on the receiving end of the package. Plus its 7grams, not a pound. I have a friend in northern ontario who gets a pound a week mailed to him from his buddy who grows in BC.. they break it up into say 4 kinds, wrap it with those vaccum sealed bags then wrap it in tinfoil, whether any of their packaging helps disguise it better or not I dont think is the issue, its the smell. Goodluck, go for it. If anything you will just loose your 7grams becuz it was confiscated just dont give your name or use ur creditcard or giv a legit return address, its common sense here... not some crazy mcgiver shit