how to setup fan for lights

i have an 8inch vortex fan and 6 1000w raptors and i was wondering if i should have the fan blowing the air out of sucking it out?


depends where you want to mount your fan/blower. I tend to hang them outside the room in the ceiling by zip ties to reduce vibration noise to I set mine up to suck out the air. both work


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've just heard they are more efficient sucking air then blowing. Could be wrong thought.

That's a good idea with the zip ties. Mines just on 2x4s that r insulated with foam to reduce noise but zip ties might be ever better. Might have to try it out


Well-Known Member
That 8inch might not be enough to cool 6x1000w lights,

Are they all linked in one straight line? This would give the least resistance.

Personally i would have 3x1000w per 8inch fan. 2 fans running 3lights each.


Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Some fans do better pulling air some do better pushing. If your worried you could use 2 of the same fans 1 pushing and 1 pulling.


Well-Known Member
Pulling is more efficient, however, with the lights and everything else in the way it may be better to push over the tips of the bulbs. With 6 lights, it might actually be benifical to have a duct booster fan in the middle of the chain


Active Member
tell you what, a lot of "centrifugal fans are refered to as "blowers." I am wondering a similar issue. I have a 20 foot run on my fresh air supply and I dont know if I want my fan to pull the air or push it...


Well-Known Member
pulling is ideal, but that fan is not strong enough for 6 lights you need another fan atleast 1 8" per 3 hoods is ok i like 1 per 2 hoods though lol cool glass
thanks for all the replies. i have the 8inch vortex fan if that makes a difference. there is some turning but its not 90 degrees i was gonna try to have it pull it out but i could do both i guess.