Okay, first off good morning to the respectable folks reading this. Let's get two things straight, I do not sell cannabis, and I despise this thread. Not the originating post, but the disgusting hydra of idiocy that sprang out of it.
Secondly, a great big fuck you with sprinkles on top to everyone and anyone who are specifically judging weed dealers in non-medical/"illegal" situations. When I was young, these people provided entry to a world of mind expansion, pain relief, and fun that has influenced my life for the better. To judge them, berate them, and call them greedy criminals, is not only insane, but retarded. Weed is HELPFUL to people, no matter who they are or where they live (or how much it costs, dipshit, sometimes people are just glad to be able to receive the gift of cannabis, I once paid $80 for a GRAM of kush, and at that time and place, it was
completely worth it, even looking back on it).
CANNIBINOID SYSTEM IS FOR? CB1 receptors (in the central nervous system, and in some body tissues, like the stomach) and CB2 receptors (in the peripheral nervous system) ARE IN EVERY HUMAN BEING YOU HAVE EVER MET, AND THEY ARE LITERALLY BIOLOGICALLY DESIGNED (by Nature?) TO BIND TO CANNABINOIDS (THC, CBD, CBN, ETC)
So take your morality crisis, and shove it up your ass. You really have qualms about distributing a very useful plant that helps heal humans, among MANY other uses? This is an
almost saintly act. Stop growing and go work for the fucking DEA if you want to hate on people who are helping others and sustaining themselves while doing so, there is actually a paying job for that (for now, collective consciousness is building) if that's your thing. Growing well is fucking hard and expensive (don't care about your opinion on your $10 trash can grow, growing MY shit IS expensive), especially if you don't have generic gardening experience, and just because someone lacks an affinity for the fairly complex task, doesn't mean they should be denied the sacred herb. Without dispensaries, where the hell should these people get their medicine (even if not yet defined as such in some locales). If you ever really knew any legit dealers you would know they are hard working and not overpaid. These people don't drive fucking escalades and wear diamond encrusted Timex's. They pay the bills and feed themselves, like you do, Fucking All Mighty 9-5ers. Instead of their work truck or their cubicle or their desk or counter, they work in their bedrooms usually. How'd you like to have hella fools come through you're personal space all the time? Or have to go meet people with the chance of getting FUCKED everytime you do so? Imagine if you had to worry about being arrested each time you were at work, don't you think you would want to be paid slightly more than if you were unmolested whilst plying your trade? Who are you guys to tell someone how to produce in society?
And thirdly, nothing that is a personal choice should be illegal, as long as it harms no one else
directly, fuck the attrition (it cannot be controlled), be it sex, drugs, food, ANYTHING.
I'm out, and I won't be returning to this thread.

selling weed's fucking in, you're fucking out.