i smoke most of my blunts by myself or with the old lady. the blunt time also depend on the tightness of the blunt. if the blunt is loose is lets more air flow through which is essentially smoking the blunt for you, but too tight and not even you can hit it. I like to break my nuggs up by hand occasionally but i smoke too much and get lazy and usually have a little stem sumwhere that manages to poke through the wrap everytime.This one summer we burned up so many blunts being dumbasses and smoking them with fans blowing right at our faces. Smoking out the gods and burning down blunt after blunt.
Shit would be gone in 5 minutes.
I think it is more about the number of hits you can take than the time it burns which is important. I think that has more to do with the cure and the grind and the tightness. I don't like it when it seems like I'm racing against the clock to smoke my blunt so a long burn is important, sure, but the length of time that blunt exists is more dependent upon the size of the circle. The more hits you get out of the thing, the longer it'll last... So I guess same difference.
Another thing I hate is when someone rolls a loose blunt and it starts to run on them, so they feel it would be fine to lob a nice gooey bit of saliva to keep it from running. Fucking gross. Roll it proper.
I know what you mean about the grinder. If you grind very dense weed too fine the tip of the blunt "disappears" or disintegrates or something. I call those Houdini Blunts.
I like to break my weed up by hand and pack whole calyxes in my special occasion blunts. No stem, no leaf, just flowers!
Fuck... I want a blunt so bad now. Still another 3 weeks until I'm harvested, dried and cured enough to roll up. Gotta conserve until then.
grape or die tryinglol swishers are gross as fuck, especially grapee. Cant even taste thee sweet kush inside.
I fucks with the Goldenwraps, paperrr planeee gameee witha little blunt still in it. Anddd you can taste the shit you wanna tasteee. KUSH
lol.... agreed but i gott switch shit up every now n thengrape or die trying
i used to roll inside out when i was younger for that same reason, idk y i dont do it anymore.when i used to smoke blunts i would roll them just like you did
the only difference is i roll inside out
they seem to burn a little slower and more even
now i just roll zig zags
but if i have a craving for a "blunt" i use phillys
the paper is much thinner and you can still taste your weed
good job bro i think you taught some people a thing or two about rolling
yeah alot of people do, lots of weed, tastes bad plus its tobacco, blunts are the way for me.I hate blunts. That is all.
na.. its mostly a black thing.. lol..I used to smoke blunts when I was 13. Its too harsh on my lungs now. All you taste is the tobacoo anyways. Joints and cones 100%. But if I would smoke a bleezy its swishers strawberry for sure. Kali thing I guess
1st you want to lay out the weed evenly inside the blunt, then you always want to start ROLLING from the middle & work your way out (kinda like rolling out pizza doughi definantly have to work on my blunts. i always make them a lil pregnant