How to roll a joint like MrHowardMarks


Well-Known Member
I know there a bunch of "how to roll extravagant joint" threads and ideas, but to me, none of them smoke as well as a nicely rolled marijuana cigarette.

This is my "how to" on rolling joints like me, feel free to post your techniques, comments...

Necessary materials;

Then grind the herb, and I put a fold into one end of the paper to make a boat.

Then fill the paper, and roll it up evenly.

Scrape a little herb out to add a filter to the end, and finish the roll.

Push the filter all the way in.


this picture shows the filter better, the rice paper is so thin you can notice the dark green showing through.

There is a way to roll it tight enough, but not too tight, as long as the air can pass all the way through easily, it's not too tight.

:joint:Now smoke it up :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
dont like ciggarette filters not the same feeling i find, standard card paper road from an old train tickets works best for me :)


Well-Known Member
I know alot of other smokers who keep their coffee table looking exactly
like yours. :p
I'm a freak of nature when it comes to a clean house. I'll spend hours cleaning 1 room.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Me neither . . . I like to save roaches for later. If I roll for others I will put in a tip for them. Nice big cone J's with a tip have more appeal. If it is just for me I smoke unfiltered:hump::hump:

LOL... I learned how to roll joints 29 years ago when I was 13 years old.

Roll it up and twist the ends shut. It's not rocket science.

Honestly I don't know why anyone would put a filter in the thing...that's an invitation for the people you are smoking with to put their slobbery wet lips all over it. YUCK!!!

Filters belong in cigarettes .... not joints.


Well-Known Member

LOL... I learned how to roll joints 29 years ago when I was 13 years old.

Roll it up and twist the ends shut. It's not rocket science.

Honestly I don't know why anyone would put a filter in the thing...that's an invitation for the people you are smoking with to put their slobbery wet lips all over it. YUCK!!!

Filters belong in cigarettes .... not joints.
Makes sense, but when people pass a joint they tend to slobber on it so without a filter they can seal it up. That crap annoys me when people do not know how to properly smoke a joint:cuss:

Filters make them easy to smoke for the less educated smokers.:wink:


Well-Known Member
not a fan of the cig filters either, but i know enough people who swear by them. personal preferance. i like to feel the hit off my doobs a bit stronger so i use a rolled up piece of card or even regular paper. i make sure the hole is as wide as possible too with nothing blocking the middle. that's just me.

i don't wanna sound like a dick and hijack your thread, but i've always found it easier to roll with the filter in as opposed to inserting it later.

i find without a filter it gets really hard to draw about two thirds through. sometimes the end gets so gummed up we have to bite it off just to finish the session. i've got resin stains on my lips from smoking joints with no filter


Well-Known Member
To answer a few questions, comments...

No, they are actual cigarette filters, but they aren't from cigarettes. Here's the link to the company, Zen smoke, they make the filter tips, and Elements papers.

I used to use rolled up cardstock, like ticket stubs or the foldouts of magazines, then I realized they sold a product called "Lefties" tips, which are perforated cardboard roll up tips.

When you smoke a lot of joints, you want to filter out some resin, else get bad smokers cough. The filter does remove a decent amount of tar from the joint, that's why I use them... They don't affect the thc or highness at all, and I don't slober on joints.

They look fairly normal, if you have a bunch together, twice a cop looked in my cigarette pack, and handed my joints right back to me, thinking they were just cigs.

That's another reason I use them. :bigjoint:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
They look fairly normal, if you have a bunch together, twice a cop looked in my cigarette pack, and handed my joints right back to me, thinking they were just cigs.

That's another reason I use them. :bigjoint:

Well I'd say that's a pretty good argument to use em ;)

I rarely smoke joints .... I just prefer my bongs. If I'm going to the beach I'll roll a few joints because whipping out a bong would be a bit conspicuous


Well-Known Member
wouldn't that be, you know, illegal or something?? You missed a nice lunch yesterday. I suppose some one has to work. VV


Well-Known Member
I prefer joints myself. I like the filter idea for camoflauge in the cig pack, but I think I would remove the filter when I sparked the joint up.

:peace: out


Well-Known Member
wouldn't that be, you know, illegal or something?? You missed a nice lunch yesterday. I suppose some one has to work. VV

To everyone else:

ive never ever been very big into joints. I can roll one but no doubt my riu peeps would laugh. I'm a bowl/bong person who enjoys the occasional blunt. Shit, i think my last joint might've been at bonnaroo....

ladies love asad

Active Member
i am pretty novice at rolling papers.

though i have been getting better.

this should help me in the future.

Would someone tell me where to find filters?