Hey guys, well i went ahead and placed two fresh fans leaves per mason jar and left it for a few hours......buds really came back from being dry to nice and moist to correct level. Everyones ideas sound great especially the one where you just breath into the jar but for right now the fresh leaf works wonders! Just make sure its a fresh leaf! The lettuce idea is a good idea too but if your not careful with tht you may cause some nasty shit inside your jars....may need to watch that more close, may cause mold if you forget lettuce in jar!
Originally Posted by
Ok the first of our 2 words is OXIDATION, I chose this word because as an electronics tech I am well aware of how oxidation causes things to decay, it is also what causes us to age and why anti-oxidents are important to human health.
knowing this I have always breathed into my curing jars once the buds get close to where I want them (I have mentioned in other threads on this site that I do this and others have chimed in that they do it as well) the reason I do this is twofold I am displacing the O2 in the jar with CO2 (slowing the oxidation process) and injecting minor/slight moisture which keeps the buds fresh. I have done this for years and even found that it improves the taste and potency of swag (it was part of what I did to improve my friends bad crop) After doing this research I have opened the door for so many new experiments, damn I'm gonna be busy LOL
Anyway the reason I seperated these post is because what I about to share is not truely related to the actual harvesting of plants but rather in the growth. Every link I am about to share came up when I googled "oxidation in plants" and it turns out that most of the internal growth processes involve oxidation. I am sharing these links because the info is pretty good though some of them are pretty heavily scientific, others break it down in more easily understood way, (together they give a whole picture) and I would say if you are trying to better understand a few things about growth processes then these will be good starter links to follow, here they are,,,,,,
this first one explains the oxidation/reduction process for those that don't know
very in depth explanation of oxidation process in plants (pdf)
oxidation of fatty acids in plants
Glycolysis, energy releasing pathways
very good explanation of plant hormones (read this one for sure)
flavanoids and oxidation (there is a pdf link at the bottom)
ditty on photosynthesis
photosynthesis & resporation
book preview
oxidation in soil (book preview)
explanation of sugars
another explanation of oxidation in the photosynthesis process
All good useful info that can help us better understand what our plants are doing.
that was written by Riddlem3 and i did exprimented with breathe into jar to restart moisture process, its most effecitive for sure and no such as mold since you burp it to feel the bud if its getting moisture back etc. Please research the link and educate yourself, growers.
Happy gardening and peace.