How to REDUCE the # of Males from Seed


Well-Known Member
either x or y, eh? i don't think it's that simple. where do hermaphrodites fit in with this view, then?
Hermaphrodites are males or females that are genetically predisposed to grow reproductive structures of the opposite sex to continue its life cycle. It's not a sex change as hermaphrodism is not a third sex.

did you know that there is a variety of fish wherein all of the young are born female? when the school of fish reaches sexual maturity the largest female in the group becomes a male and services the other females. there is only one male in the entire group. when this male dies the next largest female in the group quickly becomes the new male.

did you know that in alligators the nest is designed to maintain a very specific temperature and that a variance of a single degree has drastic consequences on the number of male vs. female gators that emerge from the eggs?
Fish and alligators aren't dioecious plants. The fish are hermaphrodites that respond to the breeding environment. In the case of the alligators, the sex of the offspring is set after they hatch is it not? The same is true for marijuana seeds. They "hatch" out of the mother plant with a predetermined sex. If environmental variable come into play, they do so while the seeds are still growing "in the womb".

i would guess that you didn't know either of these little tidbits, and yet you are somehow an expert on what is and isn't possible w/weed.
Why would you "guess" that? The "tidbits" are irrelevant to the conversation.

i don't doubt (or wouldn't be surprised to find) that seeds have a predisposition toward becoming either male or female. but i have personally seen at least one reputedly scientic study (though I am sure there are a multitude) which indicated clearly that environment has a significant effect on the outcome of that predisposition.
Environment has an effect on the mortality/germination rates between male and female plants, not the determination of their sex.


Well-Known Member
it had also crossed my mind that it might just be a matter of more male vs. females dying and not sprouting. but the study that i saw was using 100% germination rates. from the same seed stock. and it was shown that even one variable (such as container size, which will stress the growing root) does have an effect on which way the gender goes.

and ur right, weed isn't a fish or a gator and doesn't particularly have a bearing. but weed also isn't like every other plant. nor is every other plant like every other plant. there are differences that we are still coming to understand in both the plant and animal kingdom. i'm more likely to believe a small group of scientists that have performed a study and are willing to put their names on their test results than someone that seems to be stating 'maxims' and 'truths self evident'.

certainty is arrogance.


Well-Known Member
Here are the things I've heard that will increase the female %

1 - Germ seeds in distilled water
2 - putting some B/C in the distilled water using to germ. the seeds '' will '' help increase the female %
3 - Don't stress the plants
4 - More blue spec will increase the females , more red will make more males
5 - 18/6 '' will '' increase the female %

so if that's all true what I've read on other sites then doing thoes could get you higher female %

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
you want the etha-whatever to stay with the seeds, so you keep it contained. I started this like 3 days ago. hopefully I'll get all females, but idk, I'll post the results in that other thread.


Well-Known Member
you want the etha-whatever to stay with the seeds, so you keep it contained. I started this like 3 days ago. hopefully I'll get all females, but idk, I'll post the results in that other thread.
sweet can't wait to see , hey , I started my own grow journal , but I'm not to far into it so feel free to check it out


Well-Known Member
In theory you could by manipulating the environmental factors you are generating for the seedlings. Temperature, humidity, ph, mutrient introduction, which spectrum of light, light length etc. For instance lower temperatures can increase the number of female plants. It is a huge list to list them all and as you can see it would be difficult to manipulate them all concommitantly to have increase chances of germinating females fom seeds.


Well-Known Member
The sex of the seed is determined when it is still in the mother plant. It's non-negotiable.

Marijuana is Dioecious, meaning it has male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species. When it is pollinated (by another plant) the seed produced is either male or female. X or Y. There is no (common) substance that can change the plants chromosomes.
exactally there is no way to get more of a sex from un-femized seeds. the only time i would agree that stress has an important effect is a seed from a hermie mother


Well-Known Member
Hmm not all hermies are predesposed to being a hermie, im sure some are but not all, you can make any plant hermie by giving it an irregular light cycle, 3h on, 1h off, 3h on, 1h off, etc... That is how a lot of breeders make their plants hermie so they can get the feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
... which would seem to indicate that mary jane isn't as simple as xx or xy. maybe its all xxy ... and CAN be effected by environment from seed on. obviously you and i don't grow tits just cause the lights go out :D


Well-Known Member
Hmm not all hermies are predesposed to being a hermie, im sure some are but not all, you can make any plant hermie by giving it an irregular light cycle, 3h on, 1h off, 3h on, 1h off, etc... That is how a lot of breeders make their plants hermie so they can get the feminized seeds.
Not all plants will hermie from light poisoning, those that do have a genetic predisposition. That is not how breeders create feminized seeds though, as using light poisoning will reinforce hermaphroditic traits. Most reputable breeders use Gibberellic acid or possibly colloidal silver to induce mutations.

... which would seem to indicate that mary jane isn't as simple as xx or xy. maybe its all xxy ... and CAN be effected by environment from seed on. obviously you and i don't grow tits just cause the lights go out :D
Yeah environment can effect a seedling, you can certainly make a male or female show its hermaphroditic traits. But it still doesn't change the sex of the plant. Male hermaphrodites are particularly useless as their offspring will be entirely male, with hermaphroditic traits.


Well-Known Member
... which would seem to indicate that mary jane isn't as simple as xx or xy. maybe its all xxy ... and CAN be effected by environment from seed on. obviously you and i don't grow tits just cause the lights go out :D
Nah but when I eat too many cheetos and funnyuns..... but for real I am gonna try it out this summer, heres my plan order some AK47xlowryder grow em over the winter pick out the best male let it seed the females. Do this trick with all of the seeds and then plant 50 or so 2 or 3 times during the summer, that should be a big enough test group to see if it works or not.


Well-Known Member
you'd probably have to have something like 100 trials of 100 seeds each for it to be anything more than anecdotal evidence... and 100 percent germination on top of that would deffinitely be advisable when ur trying to narrow it down to a single variable.


Well-Known Member
So if 150 non feminised seeds all came out female it will be pure coincidence........:roll:
once I start my own grow I'll deff be trying a bunch of diffrent methods and I'll take a bunch of clones from my plants sex them and once I get things set up I'll start creating seeds with the same male and female plants that are a clone from the same mom and dad and I'll dry out diffrent methods , I think that I'll be a RIU member that will tyr out just about any diffrent kinds of methods and share it with every one