How to Read your Plants?


Well-Known Member
I must be missing the point of this thread.... The writer offers us a solution to a problem they have described, yet the details regarding the solution are rather sketchy. Anyone coming into this thread to read the OP and learn from it will be sorely disappointed. There are no tips to successfully reading plants in the post, other than some mention of a Vulcan mind meld type sensation... And telling people to go read plant problems forum is like trying to give away sugar free sugar, not many want it... It wasn't even linked...

I suspect that Riddleme was high when he wrote this, as it makes a great subject line, it's a shame the content to back it was short in coming.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame such a great topic was wasted.... There is a lot to be learned in reading your plants... I've yet to find it in this thread however...

Hit me up if any of y'all ever in the Portland area!! Oh and to that guy a few posts ago..."troll be trollin" lol


Well-Known Member
One of the first things I do every day is wake up, take care of morning business, then I visit my nursery and grow tent. I always try to be especially observant each time I walk into my nursery or grow tent for the first time each day. I once noticed that my Ebb and Flow mini table medium looked real dry one morning, only to discover that the tubing came undone from the pump's nipple. Had I missed that clue of dry medium, I could have killed the plants in that table. A similar problem was dry medium in a waterfarm. That shit only happens if the drip ring becomes clogged or the air pump become unattached or quits working. The air tube was off.

I once thought I saw a gnat, so I put a jigger of lemon juice in the nursery and the next day, I had about 7 gnats in it. I may have avoided a potential problem simply by being observant. It doesn't require any special training or education, you just have to will yourself to be observant. You shouldn't be noticing spider mites AFTER they web your buds all up, just as you should spot a N problem before it becomes a big problem. I've found that just being observant to your grow space can help avoid a lot of problems. Don't allow yourself to be easily distracted when you visit your gardens.


Active Member
My plants are to close to the lights as you can see by the leaves. The lights are all the way up already any suggestions. Has anyone ever tried some sort of shade or something like that.


Active Member
I have already learned a lot from this thread but you have to read all his other threads to really understand what we are talking about. Go back read it all and it will take some time but you will be a lot better grower in the end. trust me
I must be missing the point of this thread.... The writer offers us a solution to a problem they have described, yet the details regarding the solution are rather sketchy. Anyone coming into this thread to read the OP and learn from it will be sorely disappointed. There are no tips to successfully reading plants in the post, other than some mention of a Vulcan mind meld type sensation... And telling people to go read plant problems forum is like trying to give away sugar free sugar, not many want it... It wasn't even linked...

I suspect that Riddleme was high when he wrote this, as it makes a great subject line, it's a shame the content to back it was short in coming.


Well-Known Member
You can always pinch the taller stems and bend them over. Just make sure not to break them off. You just pinch hard enough to crush the cell structure a bit so it'll bend. The plant will heal itself, and you may even need to tie that top down, as I've seen them right themselves.

My plants are to close to the lights as you can see by the leaves. The lights are all the way up already any suggestions. Has anyone ever tried some sort of shade or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Jack's Classic nutrients, Fox Farm soil and water...see the brown tips on the fingers of the leaves? That's a tiny bit too much food.

Keep it simple.



Well-Known Member
One of the first things I do every day is wake up, take care of morning business, then I visit my nursery and grow tent. I always try to be especially observant each time I walk into my nursery or grow tent for the first time each day. I once noticed that my Ebb and Flow mini table medium looked real dry one morning, only to discover that the tubing came undone from the pump's nipple. Had I missed that clue of dry medium, I could have killed the plants in that table. A similar problem was dry medium in a waterfarm. That shit only happens if the drip ring becomes clogged or the air pump become unattached or quits working. The air tube was off.

I once thought I saw a gnat, so I put a jigger of lemon juice in the nursery and the next day, I had about 7 gnats in it. I may have avoided a potential problem simply by being observant. It doesn't require any special training or education, you just have to will yourself to be observant. You shouldn't be noticing spider mites AFTER they web your buds all up, just as you should spot a N problem before it becomes a big problem. I've found that just being observant to your grow space can help avoid a lot of problems. Don't allow yourself to be easily distracted when you visit your gardens.
Ok first off Serapis is not a troll, he is an experienced grower with a lot of good post that I have read here, please welcome him to the thread.

and to you Serapis, I kicked this thread off the way I did hoping that others would join in with various different ways they read their plants. I have already taught folks to dial in their gardens and read their plants in my other threads, I intended this thread to be a discussion about it with others, to get different views and input. and actually your the first to come in and offer anything, so thank you

and yes there was some interesting questions asked and answered and the thread did go a bit sideways there for awhile but still a bit of good info came out of it. I do like having fun in my threads as most know and I tend to add info a bit deeper in (if it's not covered) or moderate if a heated debate occurs. didn't mean to disappoint :)


Well-Known Member
You can always pinch the taller stems and bend them over. Just make sure not to break them off. You just pinch hard enough to crush the cell structure a bit so it'll bend. The plant will heal itself, and you may even need to tie that top down, as I've seen them right themselves.
exactly, this is what I called candy canning in my balls thread, first time is kinda scary (like that first kiss in 3rd grade LOL) but once you do it you'll just start bangin em


Active Member
Riddleme, Serapis, y'all are good growers I see that. Riddleme I repped you for starting this thread. Right before you started it I was I another thread talking about reading plants for over/under watering. So I could repost that here. I'll offer up my take on basic leaf reading. Again this is BASIC.

If your leaves are pointing upwards from the node severely like this: / That usuay means they're reaching for light.

If they're pointing downward from the node like this: \ They are thirsty for water.

You want them to look perky but rested from the node like this: --

I hope that's understandable enough lol.

I love y'all :)


Active Member
These ladies are 7 weeks into flower and are supposed to be done in 8 weeks is it too late to candy cain them?
You can always pinch the taller stems and bend them over. Just make sure not to break them off. You just pinch hard enough to crush the cell structure a bit so it'll bend. The plant will heal itself, and you may even need to tie that top down, as I've seen them right themselves.


New Member
no not too late, just do it below the main bud structure....a little twist to the pinch seems to work for me as well as a bic lighter against the stem and smash and bend...if it straightens back out too much do it again ... take care as you dont want it to snap..although I snapped one and put tape on it and it took !!...and on the leaves reaching for the light that is actually a sign of too much light ...they are trying to reduce the intensity by exposing less area to the laid back and happy is easily I torture


ps- supposed to be done in 8 weeks but they rarely are....


Well-Known Member
Hiya Riddleme, yeah, I went back and reread your OP and I saw the challenge to share and I was like, damn, and here I am whinning..... LOL, so I decided to contribute as well as moan.. :)


Active Member
Some of my strains can take the light intensity and some don't like it at all. From now on i will put them in flower when they are much shorter. I am afraid to bend them over but i think ill do it in the morning. ill take some pics tonight for some before and after shots.
no not too late, just do it below the main bud structure....a little twist to the pinch seems to work for me as well as a bic lighter against the stem and smash and bend...if it straightens back out too much do it again ... take care as you dont want it to snap..although I snapped one and put tape on it and it took !!...and on the leaves reaching for the light that is actually a sign of too much light ...they are trying to reduce the intensity by exposing less area to the laid back and happy is easily I torture


ps- supposed to be done in 8 weeks but they rarely are....