How to Produce a oZ every 2 weeks 28g Bud?

Never grown before

Active Member
Im looking for suggestions on how to product a oZ every 2 weeks.....

How many mother plants? how long before i could clone? how many to clone at a time?then how long to veg before flowering?

best strain to use as well

Thanks in advance:joint:

Never grown before

Active Member
My plan in my head is.....
1 mother keep veg and clone of her after week 4
Take 2 clones and place in clone room
2 weeks later take another 2 clones
2 weeks later take 2 more and move the first to into flowering
countinue this process would this give me a oz every 2 weeks using 250w hps most clones at once will be 4 and 8 in flower

ink the world

Well-Known Member
You're talking about a perpetual grow. thats how I grow. I used to keep mother plants but have stopped for the last month. Mothers need some space, I just dont have it. Take cuttings from plants before you flower them.
Heres what I do.

I have 2 spaces, 1 for vegging and another for flowering.
I grow my plants until they are large enough to take cuttings from. I am running 4 strains right now. I take a few cuttings of each strain, I stagger when I take cuttings about 1 week apart. As those clones are rooting I let the "mother" plants recover, I give them about 1.5-2 weeks before I put them in the flowering cabinet. This way I have plants in different stages of vegetative growth at all times.

I then have a total of about 16 clones vegging. I use the oldest clone of each strain and reserve that to take cuttings from. Veg all the plants until they are 12-16 inches tall then they go into flower.

It takes a little while to get your schedule down but once you get everything going its great. Harvest at intervals that you want to. I used to go 2 week intervals but its too much for me. I now go 1 month.


Active Member
dont underestimate the time it takes for a strain to finish flowering. pick a short strain or an autoflowering strain. if anything veg shorter so that you can flower longer and not risk having to chop them early. otherwise you have the right idea. and i would go with every 3 weeks instead, gives more room for error and clones roots to grow

Never grown before

Active Member
You're talking about a perpetual grow. thats how I grow. I used to keep mother plants but have stopped for the last month. Mothers need some space, I just dont have it. Take cuttings from plants before you flower them.
Heres what I do.

I have 2 spaces, 1 for vegging and another for flowering.
I grow my plants until they are large enough to take cuttings from. I am running 4 strains right now. I take a few cuttings of each strain, I stagger when I take cuttings about 1 week apart. As those clones are rooting I let the "mother" plants recover, I give them about 1.5-2 weeks before I put them in the flowering cabinet. This way I have plants in different stages of vegetative growth at all times.

I then have a total of about 16 clones vegging. I use the oldest clone of each strain and reserve that to take cuttings from. Veg all the plants until they are 12-16 inches tall then they go into flower.

It takes a little while to get your schedule down but once you get everything going its great. Harvest at intervals that you want to. I used to go 2 week intervals but its too much for me. I now go 1 month.
What lights are you usinging in your setup and how much yield do you get of a cloned plant?