How to pH water - VITAL GROWING TOOL!!!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
MY bad..

you have a great point.. cause 5.5 - 5.8 is for HYDRO...

I was speaking about SOIL.. maybe I need to revise the video... ??



Well-Known Member
Is that your video??? Thats cool I like it a lot. I think it could be clearer by adressing both Soil and Hydro... just add another graphic after the soil one.


Well-Known Member
Knowm - My bad.. shoudla paid attention to your sig. I have done a decent amount of video editing in the old days and I like the production quality. Second... why is it that the pH is different between soil and hydro? I have wondered this but don't think I have ever seen an explaination. --Sorry for the thread jack!

** I was debating buying the video before I realized it was yours... now I WILL buy it :-)

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Lesson number 1:
Nutrient uptake and decomposition rates:

pH stems around Nutrient uptake and decomposition rates. Plants in soil and rockwool cubes have a harder time taking in nutrients and decomposition rates are lowered, so we want the acid level higher. And plants grown hydro style have it much easier, so we want less acid because plants take in the nutrients much easier and decomposition rates are higher. But we never ever want pH to be on the alkaline side of the pH scale or on the lower side on the acid part of the pH scale, because this will surley kill our plants. 5.5 -7.0 has been found over the years to be the ideal ranges for cannabis (soil & hydro).

Many plant diseases are caused or exacerbated by extremes of pH, sometimes because this makes essential nutrients unavailable to plants or because the soil itself is unhealthy.

PH is not constant in soil or water, but varies on a daily basis due to factors such as rainfall, biological growth within the soil, and temperature changes for example. Therefore the pH should be measured regularly and at various points within the soil or water in question.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I'm so glad you came and saved the day.... LOL

Plants grow directly in rockwool (no soil) cubes should have a lower pH than plants grown in soil... yes?


Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Can you explain/define "decomposition rates" ?


Oop's! Created more work for myself! I don't like to post articles like the one I did here because it leads to wanting! Wanting more info! lol

Decomposition is a phenomenon common in the sciences of biology and chemistry. In biology, decomposition refers to the reduction of the body of a formerly living organism into simpler forms of matter.

The speed with which decomposition occurs varies greatly. Factors such as temperature, humidity, water, air, pH and soil play the biggest part in decomposition rates.

That's about the best I can do for now! Try and get back to you on this when I'm not overly tired.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you came and saved the day.... LOL

Plants grow directly in rockwool (no soil) cubes should have a lower pH than plants grown in soil... yes?

Sorry I missed this one!

Yes! 6.2 pH for rockwool cubes and 6.5-7.0 ph for soil.

6.5-7.0 pH is considered to be the "neutral" on the pH scale. Which is ideal for soil conditions.


Well-Known Member
I have been steady at a pH of 6 and didn't feel like fighting down to 5.5 if I didn't have to. Growth seems good so far and my plants are thriving off the nutes so this has been helpful. Thanks guys!

bud bud ding ding

Active Member
look on the back of your feeds guys certain ones n eed to be mixed at a certain ph for them to be available to your i dissagree.