how to pass a drug test in 9 days?


Well-Known Member
Only idea i had was drink plenty of water and dont smoke anymore . If test is sent off to lab nothing will mask the THC .


Well-Known Member
hahah i don't know maybe this is the same dude that told me to take it. maybe he's just evil and wants to fuck everybody over...


Well-Known Member
hehe yea sure man... cuz sleeping 8 hours and eating better is really gonna help the guy in fuckin 9 days...

and wut do u fuckin think is in the detox drinks? oh yea its basicaly suregel... who would have thunk...

i guess my answers are compleatly wrong even tho i know personaly that it works.
maybe u are the inferior one if u cant even pass a test with that.

but no its all good listen to them and waste money or get a felony... or better yet just sleep more and excersize man! thatll work so fuckin good! i wonder why everyone doesnt do that... oh yea... i have a good idea... hehe... it doesnt... but yea thats better than my answer... ur right... hey keep it up man maybe u will help someone!


Well-Known Member
hehe yea sure man... cuz sleeping 8 hours and eating better is really gonna help the guy in fuckin 9 days...

and wut do u fuckin think is in the detox drinks? oh yea its basicaly suregel... who would have thunk...

i guess my answers are compleatly wrong even tho i know personaly that it works.
maybe u are the inferior one if u cant even pass a test with that.

but no its all good listen to them and waste money or get a felony... or better yet just sleep more and excersize man! thatll work so fuckin good! i wonder why everyone doesnt do that... oh yea... i have a good idea... hehe... it doesnt... but yea thats better than my answer... ur right... hey keep it up man maybe u will help someone!
And what did I warn him about? you dumbass motherfucker.

Maybe you can invest in a teacher, because it would certainly make up for your lack of comprehension.


Well-Known Member
And how will the grease come out if the fat wont come out ? ? Does the sure -gel pick and choice what grease to keep around ? Im corn-fused
well actualy there is a bit of a difference between body fat and grease... like the fact that grease has to be absorbed to be turned into fat... but guess what, not all of everything is absorbed... especialy when your insides are coated with suregel... and u are peeing alot fast... geeze:spew:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to let you know this Freak , but its a know fact that exercise and drinking plenty of water takes all the lil bad things in your body out . Sweat is all the poisons and basically your own piss coming outof your pores . Water works wonders by its self . If ya drink enough water in one sitting you will piss straight water !


Well-Known Member
well actualy there is a bit of a difference between body fat and grease... like the fact that grease has to be absorbed to be turned into fat... but guess what, not all of everything is absorbed... especialy when your insides are coated with suregel... and u are peeing alot fast... geeze:spew:
Just stop typing already, you're creating nothing more than an illusion of endless bullshit.


Well-Known Member
haha arent you the same dude that chopped all the leaves off your plant because you thought that it would help the buds grow bigger? why would anyone listen to you...


Well-Known Member
haha arent you the same dude that chopped all the leaves off your plant because you thought that it would help the buds grow bigger? why would anyone listen to you...
Who me? no I never did that.

Probably referring to that jackass right? haha


Well-Known Member
And what did I warn him about? you dumbass motherfucker.

Maybe you can invest in a teacher, because it would certainly make up for your lack of comprehension.
wut the fuck are u man some kind of fucking gramatical corector? you have some crazy ocd or something were everything has to be in fucking paragraph form or even spelled right? wut a reason to be a dick.

wut if n e one spels stuf. rong and puts, a bunce of tings wer it dont go to? hehe i bet ur turning red i made so many mistakes in that sentence... or paragraph... or segment... or wutever supersmart people like u say...

oh but hey ive never been fired or rejected for a job because i pass my tests and smoke up to the fucing day... because its never not worked for me... punk mothrefuckin bitch ass stupid fucking motherfucker!

why dont u go masturbate to ur mom again man! i know i will!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't know why he attempts to prove himself worthy of a plausible suggestion.

He needs to do something else, rather than waste his energy bill, posting irrelevant bullshit.


Well-Known Member
What if he fails the test? Wouldn't he get into just as much trouble? If he wanted to get healthy and clean himself out for himself and not a drug test then yes he should hydrate himself, exercise and so on. This sounds like an emergency type deal. 9 days is really tough to try the old fashioned. I'd go synthetic just to cover my bases.
Meh, the ultimate conclusion here is that he should have never thought about smoking weed in the first place, if he had a test arranged already.


Well-Known Member
Water ,water ,water lol if ya want to add color drink coffee in the moring and it will also give it a smell or eat asparagus . Just stop smoking for now and drink tons of water or buy the synthetic shit . I never used it personally , but if its proven to wrok maybe ya might think about using it .


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. I guess if my "suggestion" isn't good enough, you can use that synthetic method.

But man, you should have thought twice about taking a toke, knowing you had to test.


Well-Known Member
haha arent you the same dude that chopped all the leaves off your plant because you thought that it would help the buds grow bigger? why would anyone listen to you...
god man u are such a fucker. its one fucking plat and i cant fuck with it a little bit? fuck off and do ur shit ur way. its not like im just like hey lets cut off all the leaves and maybe itll grow more buds! i fuckin read about techiques and methods of pruning and trimming... but thats unheard of... nobody ever does that! of corse not... never...

y do u guys have to be dicks? is it cuz u are wut u eat? i bet it is... awww:o:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. I guess if my "suggestion" isn't good enough, you can use that synthetic method.

But man, you should have thought twice about taking a toke, knowing you had to test.
Thats basically what it boils down to ... think next time ahead . Ya got to know if ya looking for a job 99 % of places test , and if on probation or parole ect. ya just dumb for smoking sorry to say . But Good Luck anyhow .


Well-Known Member
god man u are such a fucker. its one fucking plat and i cant fuck with it a little bit? fuck off and do ur shit ur way. its not like im just like hey lets cut off all the leaves and maybe itll grow more buds! i fuckin read about techiques and methods of pruning and trimming... but thats unheard of... nobody ever does that! of corse not... never...

y do u guys have to be dicks? is it cuz u are wut u eat? i bet it is... awww:o:hump:
Or maybe you're too stupid to thrive on this earth, which leads me to believe you'd be better off dead than giving suggestions to poor innocent growers.... blah what am I talking about.. you're too pathetic to die, I think you'd be better off suffering in a cave full of Radon gas.


Well-Known Member
Meh, the ultimate conclusion here is that he should have never thought about smoking weed in the first place, if he had a test arranged already.
k so now instead of helping or n e thing u and the other dipshit have just been bashing on people... and... who are u to judge why he smoked or that he even did. u are a fucking duchebag and need to just leave peole alone... all i tried to do is help and u are just being an asshole...