how to moonshine?


New Member
i would eventually want to smoke a crop and have my own moonshine to go with it. there is a beer maker store in town. How do i make moonshine?


Active Member
I worked at a new and used bookstore for over five years and in all that time we only had 1 book come through about making moonshine-- it was published in the 20's, and I wish I would of picked it up! I do home brew my own beer occasionally, and that's pretty fun. Good stuff guys. Cheers.


New Member
thanks i may get a set up like that. do you think there is any way to increase the alc.? 55%s good... moonshinin i may want even higher % sounds easy and good!


if dont have a distiller and cant afford one, what can i use thats around the haus? or can i make one? i use sugar water and yeast to make co2 for my gurls, i would like to save the wash insteaD Of throwing it away but ive never made moonshine.


New Member
i've made moonshine with some corn that is used for feeding pigs, water and some sugar.
my ration was 1cup:20cups-sugar:corn in side of a 2 gallon jug.
used copper tubing to ghetto rig a distiller.
what you do is
1. 1 month later..filter out the corn and toss it.
2. take the 2 gallon jar and make a hole the exact size of the copper tubing in the top.
3. put epoxy glue around the tubing and the hole.
4. have the copper tubing strait upward 1 and a half feet or so the bend it careully
5. have it shaped like a 7.
6. cut the tubing about 2 or three feet from the curve point.
7. put ice inside a bag, tie it, wrap it arround the middle point of the tubing that is past the curve part.
8. put the fermented liquid inside the 2 gallon glass jar and put it in a large pot with 3 inchs or so of water in it and bring the water to a slow boil.
9. the ideal temp for the liquid inside the jar is around 172F, the closer you keep the temperature to 172 means less water evaporation or in other word higher alcohol %.

make sure you keep the water level in the pan up. the 3 or 4 hour boring constant checking on the water and the taste of the liquid coming out of the end of the copper tube to make sure it taste like alch instead of water gets annoying.(run on sentence?)
the final product should be around 80-90% alch depending on how much care you put in too it.

goodluck is all i have to say. its time consuming and almost not worth it when you can just go buy some vodka thats somewhat cheap.