How to measure Ph levels


Well-Known Member
digital ph meters are kinda expensive... around 100... i use the drip one that changes color... 5-9 bucks.

Soil, i believe the ph needs to be 6.3-6.8...


Active Member
Im using short range litmus paper (if thats what you call it) but im hydro an i guess it would be awkward testing soil with it. I was worried about how accurate it will be but the scale measures in 0.2 increments so fingers crossed it will be ok


Active Member
get yourself a ph test kit (about $6) at any grow supply store....little plastic vial with dropper bottle that has ph color bars on the side....easiest and most effective


Active Member
i normally check the water prior to watering....i use a soil-less mixture....balance ph in water prior to apply to conatainers