How to make this "10 weeks old Baby" grows BIGGER?


Hi everyone,

I'm growing this baby outdoor and it is 10 weeks old, 20 inches tall only....:-(

I use the Miracle grow soil, feed them with Miracle grow plant food also but it looks small, right??

My question for you guys who grow such a big giant plant..... How to make this little baby grow bigger, I need your help.
It is now in a bucket so I can move around to get the sun.

This is my first legally grow, please advise guys....;-)



I wouldn't use miracle grow, BUT you can if that's all you have.

What size pots/buckets do you have them in?
What strain is it? (Looks like Indica) they usually grow short.

Either they look healthy.


New Member
I can make it explode if your growing outdoors! Check my journal. Google Liquid Light form Dutch Master, have fun with what will soon be your new MONSTER!