how to make plants grow quick as possible


Well-Known Member
Try to figure out how to add some CO2 and just think for a while on magic water.
There is a thread here of fart on your plant to excellerate growth, you have to hold their nose.


Well-Known Member
neet navy rum instead of malasiss, a bottle a day will make it grow like mad,just dont over doit?


Too many brownies
If you use SPICED rum they REALLY like it....mix about 2 tbs per gallon of water, the spice keeps bugs away. also try sprinkling fairy dust?? Oh and use a cloak of invisibility while moving your month old plants from your house to school. Or you could just hire a magician if you dont have an invisibility cloak laying around.


Active Member
yea and then maybe aliens will come down and shoot lazer beams to make them taste like apple pie when u smoke it. lol invisiblility cloak would be nice but i am more concerned with something more realistic. if theres nothing that will help them do beter other than keeping them healthy then that allready answers my original question. however i am curious as to why most peope uses a 12/12 cycle. and what facts back up using such a technique.


Active Member
If you're living in a dorm or have roommates you don't want to know about your grow, stop now. It's impossible to get any bud off of your plants by the 2nd..maybe if you start flowering in 2-3 days you'll see some pre-flowers by the 2nd or 3rd, but you'll need at least 2 months of flowering time.


Active Member
ok yea i kinda figured it would be someting like that. i do believe i will be able to continue at school the more i think about it. my next question is this: one of my plants leaves are pointing strait up. what is causing this and what should i do to fix this because i don;t believe this to be normal


Active Member
you can get quick flower plants now such as low rider but you have no chance of gettin any bud an such short spaceof time sorry to say


Well-Known Member
You guys are cracking me up here with the array of beverages you're feeding your plants. Just stick to the hydro-store bought 1 or 2 part nutes. If those things were so good for your plants, don't you think that Advanced Nutrients and General Hydroponics would be synthesising them and making a rum/milk based product?


Well-Known Member
I kinda like the Idea of getting my plants drunk every now and then just to help get rid of their stress LOL


how do i make my outdoor plant bud is about 11 in tall with alot of leaves in a big pot jus transplanted they about 2 months old i think they might be smaller cause they we're in a lil pots for a while

Cpt Jack

my question is this: is there anyway to speed up their growth as fast as posible in order to flower as soon as posible.

Now then buddy, for the time youve got you have no chance of bud. to grow at college or whatever is crazy, youd HAVE to have a full setup (carbonfilter and extraction especially) which causes 2 problems. 1 is its all cost and 2 is ya got start cuttin holes in ya ceilings/walls in ya digs to run all your ducting. if however your willing to deal with these issues then auto lowryders would be perfect for you. 10 week turnaround from seed and only about 2 - 3 ft tall max. with the plant youve got now, you could use 24 hour veg light. ive done many times with great results and still am. got 19 under now (3 types). with flowering il tell you something ive managed to read about and that was that if you put lights on for say ten hours and lights off for ten hours then every 6 days your plants pass the equivalent of 7 days according to them as they work by light on/off (except autos). Have i explained that well enough? I havent ried this myself, not sure if im going to but its something i read so thought id pass the info on just as many did for me when i started out.