How to make low quality hashish?

But how much would that hash cost compared to bud, if you only get 10g out of 100g of trimmings?

Does 1g of good quality hash cost more than bud?
I like to stroke my plants like I would do myself over and over until the black on my hands are thick rub together make finger hash the plant will produce more and more Thc this technique in India for sure works I do it all the time why waste the Trics? OG
Listen, the people from the 3rd world countries think Americans are fools for smoking the plant and not the plant thc only. That is why they are the one's to listen to making hash and oil. Think about it the plant itself is used to hold the Thc glands to receive pollen to reproduce. Like the Lebanese people hash making has been an art for many years. They beat the plants against cheesecloth to collect the Thc. Thailand experts take hash oil and dip the Thai buds in them several times and let them dry out to enhance the taste and buzz. I smoked many Thai sticks in the 70"s from my Vietnam people I met here at school. Each stick and brick individually wrapped with hemp twine. First real buzz I ever tripped on was this shit. OG
This is a no brainer.... if you want more mass and lower quality, sift for longer. The more hash you make, the lower quality (greener) it will be. Sift for less time and you will get blond hash (first sieve).

(edit: assuming dry sieve)
Not everyone is wise to the hash process only those who seek the other uses of the plants products. I can make hash out of male leaves and it tasted like hash. OG knows because he tried it and liked it and everybody around him got fucked up on me brother. Just got a text my dealer got 3 beans out of several pounds of OG Kush and there for me to grow fucking aye.
Not everyone is wise to the hash process only those who seek the other uses of the plants products. I can make hash out of male leaves and it tasted like hash. OG knows because he tried it and liked it and everybody around him got fucked up on me brother. Just got a text my dealer got 3 beans out of several pounds of OG Kush and there for me to grow fucking aye.
You don't know shit about growing weed, bitch.
Real good like perfume so fucking corny I never saw your threads or pictures, do you even no what marijuana is? Join the kiddy program thats your level come back to me if your a dick
Your growing rag weed what a fool and you showed everyone ragweed. I am your daddy why I fucked your mama and you popped out dumbass. You do like young boys with that language, don't end up in jail they will fuck you upside down perv. OG Where's the buds? This is your social life a weed site to bitch about his problems with dicks.
Your growing rag weed what a fool and you showed everyone ragweed. I am your daddy why I fucked your mama and you popped out dumbass. You do like young boys with that language, don't end up in jail they will fuck you upside down perv. OG Where's the buds? This is your social life a weed site to bitch about his problems with dicks.

you're just jealous because you don't have a shopping cart grow.
Take the penis out of your mouth because your super jealous of the OG and it shows. Proves your a dick you replied. Sphincter boys says reply prove your an asshole. OG done with dumbass children who think theyr'e grown up. Not yet you got time to go.