How to make hash with no tools?


Well-Known Member
I don't want to use ISO, or anything like that. I have a plant that juuuust started to get bud rot. Trimmed off buds, inspected them indivdually threw away the few with bud rot. Now I have a great bit of pot I need to make some hash with. I don't want ISO, or Butane. I don't have a bubble bag, but would like to do something like that.Could I just put all the weed in a jar and shake it for a long time, and strain it to collect the hash? I don't have a screen either.


Well-Known Member
The simplest (least hardware) methods of making hash are ice water/gravity extractions.

Basically you dry your stuff, crumble it, agitate vigorously for some time in ice water (using a mixer ideally), then filter/strain out all the leftover leaf/buds.

Meanwhile the resin glands are suspended in your water, and slowly sink to the bottom over a period of a few hours.

Then you siphon off the waste water on top and toss it, leaving wet soft hash at the bottom. Filter that out (or scrape it, pour it, etc), then let it dry and press it, and you've got your hash.

The "gumby" method is basically this. There are any number of descriptions of how to do it on the internet, including at least one decent you-tube video.

This type of extraction retains too much plant material to really give you a top quality hash, but the product is still good, its relatively easy to do and doesn't take any expensive or sophisticated equipment.


Well-Known Member
Hand rubbed hash is about as "old school" as you're going to get, but its typically done on plants growing in the ground. Its also not that efficient.

I don't think its possible to hand rub resin out of already-dried buds.

Along those lines, though, you can scrape some decent scissor hash off the scissors you're using to trim your buds.

In terms of making hash, you do need to have a certain volume of stuff before it becomes worth the trouble.

Personally, for a small amount of buds, I'd probably make cannabis butter instead.