Well-Known Member
What is 'hash oil'?
Its a thick black oil made from hash. The hash is heated and pressed to release the oil. (Same
process used to make hash from marijuana, but carried to an extreme.) Its almost like a tar; very sticky,
very thick. How is it used? I've never seen it in the US, but when I lived in England, some 10 years ago, it
was occasionally available. It came in two forms; sometimes it would be in a little plastic vial. Other times it
would come in a piece of aluminum foil. From what I recall, the point was not to burn it, as that would burn
off the active ingredients; but you wanted to inhale the vapor from it. The usual procedure was to get some
heat resistant tube; the favorite was a thin clear plastic tube that is the body of a Bic disposable pen. Pull
out the end cap, and pull out the ink/ballpoint thingy. Result: a clear plastic tube. Then, smear a small
amount of the oil on a piece of aluminum foil. Hold the foil with pliers. With the oil on top, heat from
beneath with a lighter. Hold the end of the tube above the patch of oil. As you begin to apply heat, suck
like hell. The pliers (or something) are necessary because foil is an excellent conductor of heat, and you can
burn yourself. It may take several heatings to use up all the oil from a smear. (You'll note this takes three
hands!) For a nicer piece of equipment, take an old tablespoon. Bend the handle so that the handle bends
away from the bowl, and then back so that it is pointing up away from the bowl. Attach same pen tube to
the handle so that it points down into the bowl of the spoon. Smear oil into bowl of spoon, and heat spoon
from bottom. (This only takes two hands.) Another technique, if you roll your own cigarettes, is to smear a
streak of oil on a cigarette paper, and then roll a cigarette with this paper.
process used to make hash from marijuana, but carried to an extreme.) Its almost like a tar; very sticky,
very thick. How is it used? I've never seen it in the US, but when I lived in England, some 10 years ago, it
was occasionally available. It came in two forms; sometimes it would be in a little plastic vial. Other times it
would come in a piece of aluminum foil. From what I recall, the point was not to burn it, as that would burn
off the active ingredients; but you wanted to inhale the vapor from it. The usual procedure was to get some
heat resistant tube; the favorite was a thin clear plastic tube that is the body of a Bic disposable pen. Pull
out the end cap, and pull out the ink/ballpoint thingy. Result: a clear plastic tube. Then, smear a small
amount of the oil on a piece of aluminum foil. Hold the foil with pliers. With the oil on top, heat from
beneath with a lighter. Hold the end of the tube above the patch of oil. As you begin to apply heat, suck
like hell. The pliers (or something) are necessary because foil is an excellent conductor of heat, and you can
burn yourself. It may take several heatings to use up all the oil from a smear. (You'll note this takes three
hands!) For a nicer piece of equipment, take an old tablespoon. Bend the handle so that the handle bends
away from the bowl, and then back so that it is pointing up away from the bowl. Attach same pen tube to
the handle so that it points down into the bowl of the spoon. Smear oil into bowl of spoon, and heat spoon
from bottom. (This only takes two hands.) Another technique, if you roll your own cigarettes, is to smear a
streak of oil on a cigarette paper, and then roll a cigarette with this paper.
Artical Separation
I grew up in England, and when I was in high school (pun intended?
there, all we could ever get
was hash. For some peculiar reason, no one ever thought to use pipes. So we had to roll cigarettes with
roll-your-own tobacco, and put crumbs of hash in them. Sometimes, to avoid the tobacco, we'd use
disassembled clove cigarettes, or herbs like tarragon. If you've never used hash, (which I've never seen in
the US,) it comes as a brown-green brick, which is VERY hard. You warm a corner over a lighter to
soften it, and break crumbs off of it. You can't roll j's with this stuff; its solid. (Sometimes, good stuff is
very dark in color, even black; this is usually very soft, and if squeezed, drops of hash oil may sweat out.) I
don't seem to recall it being very common to find head shops where you could buy smoking equipment
proper, but tobacco and rolling papers were very common. I don't think equipment was common, because I
do remember a couple of pieces of homemade equipment; one friend of mine made a bong in his ceramics
class. I made one with a thistle tube, cork, glass tubing, and Erlenmeyer flask from a chemistry set of mine.

was hash. For some peculiar reason, no one ever thought to use pipes. So we had to roll cigarettes with
roll-your-own tobacco, and put crumbs of hash in them. Sometimes, to avoid the tobacco, we'd use
disassembled clove cigarettes, or herbs like tarragon. If you've never used hash, (which I've never seen in
the US,) it comes as a brown-green brick, which is VERY hard. You warm a corner over a lighter to
soften it, and break crumbs off of it. You can't roll j's with this stuff; its solid. (Sometimes, good stuff is
very dark in color, even black; this is usually very soft, and if squeezed, drops of hash oil may sweat out.) I
don't seem to recall it being very common to find head shops where you could buy smoking equipment
proper, but tobacco and rolling papers were very common. I don't think equipment was common, because I
do remember a couple of pieces of homemade equipment; one friend of mine made a bong in his ceramics
class. I made one with a thistle tube, cork, glass tubing, and Erlenmeyer flask from a chemistry set of mine.
What is 'hash oil'?
Its a thick black oil made from hash. The hash is heated and pressed to >release the oil. (Same
process used to make hash from marijuana, but carried to an extreme.) Its almost like a tar; very sticky,
very thick. No, make that very, Very, VERY sticky. Sticks to everything. Stays under your fingernails for
weeks after you've tried everything imaginable to get it out (and you try everything imaginable because the
milligram or so that's stuck there is worth some money). It ruins clothes; the only thing that will take it off
your skin or countertops is denatured alcohol or a similar solvent. The stickiest shit I have ever seen.
process used to make hash from marijuana, but carried to an extreme.) Its almost like a tar; very sticky,
very thick. No, make that very, Very, VERY sticky. Sticks to everything. Stays under your fingernails for
weeks after you've tried everything imaginable to get it out (and you try everything imaginable because the
milligram or so that's stuck there is worth some money). It ruins clothes; the only thing that will take it off
your skin or countertops is denatured alcohol or a similar solvent. The stickiest shit I have ever seen.
How is it [hash oil] used?
It turns up at dead shows occasionally. A "friend" had some that came from Jamaica, which is
where he assumes it was made. "Friend" says the smoke is better than the vapor. The usual procedure was
to get some heat resistant tube; the favorite was a clear plastic tube that is the body of a Bic disposable pen.
Pull out the end cap, and pull out the ink/ballpoint thingy. Result: a clear plastic tube. Then, smear a small
amount of the oil on a piece of aluminum foil. Hold the foil with pliers. With the oil on top, heat from
beneath with a lighter. Hold the end of the tube above the patch of oil. As you begin to apply heat, suck
like hell. The pliers (or something) are necessary because foil is an excellent conductor of heat, and you can
burn yourself. It may take several heatings to use up all the oil from a smear. (You'll note this takes three
hands!) Don't use a ballpoint pen unless you like to waste money (oil, same difference). This stuff costs a
fortune--"friend" says $35/gram when you can get it. It's really not worth it at that price. Anyway, as far as
heating it vs. warming it, "friend" says he's tried it both ways. Both ways it's real, real hard on your throat
(worse than the harshest weed--almost as bad as that "black Moroccan" lettuce O shit). It's a little harsher
if you do the vapor thing. "Friend" says seems to be more effective smoked, plus you waste less. Best
vapor method: put an old knife on a stove burner ("friend" used an electric stove; use a gas job at your own
risk). Let it get nice and hot (red hot isn't too hot, but of course you don't want to deform the knife...). Get
a paper towel tube or similar-size tube. GATHER EVERYONE AROUND CLOSE. Use a real thin
screwdriver or similar instrument to get a little dab of oil, stand ready with the tube, and press the
screwdriver against the hot blade and suck. Dont take too much; it's got incredible expando properties.
The stuff will smoke uncontrollably till it's gone, so make sure everyone gets in their suck without letting too
much go to waste (it's good if everyone has their own tube). The aluminum foil method is okay, but "friend"
thinks it's a little more wasteful. Eventually ya got to throw that foil out. "Friend" says best way to do it is to
roll it with some herb (tobacco kills). Another good way to smoke it (according to friend) is to line a
screened bowl with rolling paper or leaf and put a drop in there. However you do it, take SMALL hits.
The shit is lethal on your lungs. Actually, now that friend thinks about it, the best way to do it is to put about
10 grams in a 13x7" brownie pan with your favorite brownie recipe. Cut into ~1.25" squares. Eat one and
have a wonderful night (sex is highly recommended). Eat two and become part of your favorite couch for 5
hours or so. Eat 5 or 6 and find out what heroin's like without having to mess with needles. Of course $350
is a hell of an expensive pan of brownies.
I always found that hash oil was much stonier than hash. (Whatever that means...) It gave me more
of that feeling in my eyes of being in a smoky >room when I was stoned on plain hash or MJ leaves. Friend
likes good hash better. Easier to smoke, tastes better. Right about the buzz though. VERY intensely
relaxing, almost paralyzing.
Of course, this was all long ago, and I don't do that sort of thing anymore.... Of course, neither does
friend.:^) A word of advice (from friend): BE CAREFUL when buying this shit. It's real, real easy to get
ripped off, and doling out $35 for a gram of roofing tar is quite a bummer. Is hash oil mentioned in an FAQ?
I'm too lazy to look. If it's not it should be. Oh, friend tells me to add one more thing: heating up the vial
will make the stuff a lot easier to deal with (liquefies it). Also makes it more prone to spillage, so take great
care when handling it in its liquid form. You can heat the vial with a lighter or put it on an electric stove
burner. God, my friend is such a drug-craving un-American lowlife.
where he assumes it was made. "Friend" says the smoke is better than the vapor. The usual procedure was
to get some heat resistant tube; the favorite was a clear plastic tube that is the body of a Bic disposable pen.
Pull out the end cap, and pull out the ink/ballpoint thingy. Result: a clear plastic tube. Then, smear a small
amount of the oil on a piece of aluminum foil. Hold the foil with pliers. With the oil on top, heat from
beneath with a lighter. Hold the end of the tube above the patch of oil. As you begin to apply heat, suck
like hell. The pliers (or something) are necessary because foil is an excellent conductor of heat, and you can
burn yourself. It may take several heatings to use up all the oil from a smear. (You'll note this takes three
hands!) Don't use a ballpoint pen unless you like to waste money (oil, same difference). This stuff costs a
fortune--"friend" says $35/gram when you can get it. It's really not worth it at that price. Anyway, as far as
heating it vs. warming it, "friend" says he's tried it both ways. Both ways it's real, real hard on your throat
(worse than the harshest weed--almost as bad as that "black Moroccan" lettuce O shit). It's a little harsher
if you do the vapor thing. "Friend" says seems to be more effective smoked, plus you waste less. Best
vapor method: put an old knife on a stove burner ("friend" used an electric stove; use a gas job at your own
risk). Let it get nice and hot (red hot isn't too hot, but of course you don't want to deform the knife...). Get
a paper towel tube or similar-size tube. GATHER EVERYONE AROUND CLOSE. Use a real thin
screwdriver or similar instrument to get a little dab of oil, stand ready with the tube, and press the
screwdriver against the hot blade and suck. Dont take too much; it's got incredible expando properties.
The stuff will smoke uncontrollably till it's gone, so make sure everyone gets in their suck without letting too
much go to waste (it's good if everyone has their own tube). The aluminum foil method is okay, but "friend"
thinks it's a little more wasteful. Eventually ya got to throw that foil out. "Friend" says best way to do it is to
roll it with some herb (tobacco kills). Another good way to smoke it (according to friend) is to line a
screened bowl with rolling paper or leaf and put a drop in there. However you do it, take SMALL hits.
The shit is lethal on your lungs. Actually, now that friend thinks about it, the best way to do it is to put about
10 grams in a 13x7" brownie pan with your favorite brownie recipe. Cut into ~1.25" squares. Eat one and
have a wonderful night (sex is highly recommended). Eat two and become part of your favorite couch for 5
hours or so. Eat 5 or 6 and find out what heroin's like without having to mess with needles. Of course $350
is a hell of an expensive pan of brownies.
I always found that hash oil was much stonier than hash. (Whatever that means...) It gave me more
of that feeling in my eyes of being in a smoky >room when I was stoned on plain hash or MJ leaves. Friend
likes good hash better. Easier to smoke, tastes better. Right about the buzz though. VERY intensely
relaxing, almost paralyzing.
Of course, this was all long ago, and I don't do that sort of thing anymore.... Of course, neither does
friend.:^) A word of advice (from friend): BE CAREFUL when buying this shit. It's real, real easy to get
ripped off, and doling out $35 for a gram of roofing tar is quite a bummer. Is hash oil mentioned in an FAQ?
I'm too lazy to look. If it's not it should be. Oh, friend tells me to add one more thing: heating up the vial
will make the stuff a lot easier to deal with (liquefies it). Also makes it more prone to spillage, so take great
care when handling it in its liquid form. You can heat the vial with a lighter or put it on an electric stove
burner. God, my friend is such a drug-craving un-American lowlife.
How to purify THC from leaves?
This comes from a friend of mine that doesn't have net access, so I won't be able to supply
further details...
1. Run all leaf through a wire mesh sifter (such as a kitchen flour sifter)
2. Completely soak the leaf with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol for about 4 or 5 days
3. Strain resultant product through silk (used for silk-screening)
4. Evaporate remainder by applying very low heat from kitchen stove
further details...
1. Run all leaf through a wire mesh sifter (such as a kitchen flour sifter)
2. Completely soak the leaf with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol for about 4 or 5 days
3. Strain resultant product through silk (used for silk-screening)
4. Evaporate remainder by applying very low heat from kitchen stove
Caution: be very careful - the product is *quite* flammable
5. After evaporating, there will be remaining "goo". This is the hash oil.
[It was noted in a follow-up that isopropyl alcohol is generally sold denatured, so that its vile to
drink. The chemicals which denature it, however, *should* get evaporated by step 4, and further
combusted when you smoke it. Therefore the effect of these chemicals *should* be minimal, but
since I dont have the foggiest idea of what the chemicals actually are, use at your own risk --
5. After evaporating, there will be remaining "goo". This is the hash oil.
[It was noted in a follow-up that isopropyl alcohol is generally sold denatured, so that its vile to
drink. The chemicals which denature it, however, *should* get evaporated by step 4, and further
combusted when you smoke it. Therefore the effect of these chemicals *should* be minimal, but
since I dont have the foggiest idea of what the chemicals actually are, use at your own risk --
How to purify THC from leaves?
Above steps.
Use acetone instead of alcohol. THC is SUPER soluble in acetone - soak the ground-up leaves
in acetone, then distil it off. Best purity from any solvent I've ever tried. Next best choice is petroleum
ether. Seriously, alcohols are too H2O - soluble for really good purity - lots of other nonpsychoactive
stuff gets in the oil.
P.S. once you've got the oil, it's REALLY sticky & hard to handle. Mix with 2 parts powdered
leaf to form good hash. You're welcomeUse acetone instead of alcohol. THC is SUPER soluble in acetone - soak the ground-up leaves
in acetone, then distil it off. Best purity from any solvent I've ever tried. Next best choice is petroleum
ether. Seriously, alcohols are too H2O - soluble for really good purity - lots of other nonpsychoactive
stuff gets in the oil.
P.S. once you've got the oil, it's REALLY sticky & hard to handle. Mix with 2 parts powdered