New Member
or you can fuck around on my thread more i dont really car lmao!! Wake and bake and a KID would be at school right now!!!
"byeeeeeeee"...i know, i know. don't tell me. you learned that at the office, right? his mom must've walked in to bring him his cookies and milk and ask him if he wanted to go school shopping so he dropped it. he'll be back when he needs to know where colombia is...yeah ppl i know how to make it now so BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! lol
"nessaseary"?Naw wake and bake then eat and bake again!!!! Repeat as nessaseary!!!
It's August, isn't it?Wake and bake and a KID would be at school right now!!!
all the while an adult would be at work or even college.or you can fuck around on my thread more i dont really car lmao!! Wake and bake and a KID would be at school right now!!!
cocaine is a hell of a know u own the threadLol. Angry little beast, are we? Sounds like someone ALREADY found the cocaineI wasn't rude and won't be either. Sorry to post on a public thread, won't happen again.
actually its not difficult at all. lot of head shops sell to minors no problem. also many have older relatives that are cool with them and will get them something anytime. i actually have friends that claim they have been smoking weed since they were literally 7 or 8 years old. i didnt know them at the time but i believe it. i had all kinds of bongs and paraphernalia when i was 16, same with my friends. i also been growing since i was 16. anyone can go to the store and get gardening supplies, and it only takes 1 bag seed or a clone from a fellow grower. a friend of mine recently was telling me about how his aunt caught his cousin trying to grow in his closet. his cousin is only like 14. maybe hard if you dont know many people. but all it takes is 1 connection to spawn an unlimited source of connections.I looked at his grow journal as well but what throws me off about his age being in the minor zone is the fact that he has a nice bong set up next to the seedlings in like the first pictures he posted...from my experience, its really difficult to get a bong underage unless you have a legal-aged hook which can be hard to find for teens...
I guess you're right, I was just never "lucky" enough to have those kinds of elders in my lifeactually its not difficult at all. lot of head shops sell to minors no problem. also many have older relatives that are cool with them and will get them something anytime. i actually have friends that claim they have been smoking weed since they were literally 7 or 8 years old. i didnt know them at the time but i believe it. i had all kinds of bongs and paraphernalia when i was 16, same with my friends. i also been growing since i was 16. anyone can go to the store and get gardening supplies, and it only takes 1 bag seed or a clone from a fellow grower. a friend of mine recently was telling me about how his aunt caught his cousin trying to grow in his closet. his cousin is only like 14. maybe hard if you dont know many people. but all it takes is 1 connection to spawn an unlimited source of connections.
yeah it's really all about who you know. that shop i went to wouldnt just sell to any minor, usually it was because they have been there before with someone of age so they assumed chances or them working with cops is very slim. plus small town, you narc, everyone hates you. plus these shops didnt make a whole lot of money, they're just trying to put food on theirs and their kids plates. kinda like the coke peddlers in columbia but to a different extent.I guess you're right, I was just never "lucky" enough to have those kinds of elders in my life
And I worked at Ashbury Tobacco Center on Haight in SF for a while and they were extremely strict about who they sold their paraphernalia to...I had to card everyone and scan it. Minors weren't even allowed in the store...