How to make a crutch for a joint

use a little scrap of cardboard from the pack of rolling papers, roll it into a bit of a circle, and insert into the end of the joint. i've always heard them called "spliffs".

I am under the impression that a splif is a joint with tobacco mixed in as filler.
Go to Radio Shack a buy a pack of really precise alligator clips you get like 6 for 3 bucks, all you gotta do is attach the the clip to like a toothpick etc. and voila instant roach clip!

am i really the only one who buys these? my rolling papers come 50 to a pack, and there is not enough cardboard in the package to make 50 crutches. and fuck looking all over the place for something i can safely tear up. i'm not shredding every paper product in the house to roll a doob. ain't nobody got time for that.

am i really the only one who buys these? my rolling papers come 50 to a pack, and there is not enough cardboard in the package to make 50 crutches. and fuck looking all over the place for something i can safely tear up. i'm not shredding every paper product in the house to roll a doob. ain't nobody got time for that.


it seemed like most of the europeans in amsterdam used those things.. they called them filters though over there.. i bought a book called the smokers guide to amsterdam, also an excellent website btw, and in the back of the book they had about 50 or so of those filter things..
i always put the roach in the toke of my pipe and smoke it

or if its a blunt you can roll a 2nd generation.. blunt with only weed from roachs
Bottom line is, if you can't smoke a joint way down without using a crutch...or even a roach clip to some flat out suck at smoking joints
am i the only one around here that's never heard of the term crutch before??? i feel out of place.. :(

I guess we are getting old! I've haven't heard it either.

But when it's too big to eat but too small to smoke, we would just split a match (from a matchbook) open it place roach inside, pinch ends together, enjoy. best of all no hard evidence.
I've never heard the term crutch either. I use the raw papers as well that come with the "filters". Love em. The randys with the wire in them are neat but I've always felt they don't burn right.
Everyone ripping up inked paper is vaporizing that ink every time you take a hit. Use appropriate crutch papers for the job, no bus tickets or business cards.

I go with the "w" or "m" method. Here's a good example about 3:00 minutes into this video.
Also I would like to add I twist a fatter fatty in about a fifth the time it takes this chump^^^

Aficionado ftw
Crutch is actually an old school term, like lids. I haven't heard it hardly used in a loooong time
use a little scrap of cardboard from the pack of rolling papers, roll it into a bit of a circle, and insert into the end of the joint. i've always heard them called "spliffs".

i've heard of this method being referred to as an "asshole" like when your smoking the joint all the resin pours out of the cardboard tube like an ass hole pushing out poo... kinda gross, but so is resin. i have used this quite a few times, especially with the bomber joints that are bigger than a finger, but not for the pinners...
I prefer smoking a joint and have always used a "filter", I've tried the roach clip and other ways of dealing with the closed end of a doob, but use the filter for ease of construction {anything paper rolled into a scroll} then slid into the opening, using a pen or something similar {I use surgical gauze scissors with the knib on the end} to spread open the filter allowing more air flow. Average time from bud to spark 3-4mins.

No grinder, no bong, no apparatus

My Tools:


Bottom line is, if you can't smoke a joint way down without using a crutch...or even a roach clip to some flat out suck at smoking joints

Yeah sure, but a crutch makes it way easier on yourself. Why the fuck not go with simplicity? I would argue that if you are not bright enough to put a crutch in your joint to enhance the whole process, then it's YOU who sucks at smoking. I bet you don't even have a cork in your ash try to tap finished bowls on without worrying about breaking the peice. Sure you don't NEED it, but it makes things easier when stoned.