How to mail a letter stealthily?


Active Member
so is there anyway to mail a letter without having to put ur return address? trying to mail something but can't leave evidence of where it was sent from. or maybe could i use a fake return address?? please help a pothead out!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
They will know what post office received the letter by the initial post mark. If you live in town X, and mail it in town X (assuming your town has a post office) then they know what city and office the letter entered the system.


Well-Known Member
write a fake return address on top of the thing. you choose which address....

on the send part of the letter write Current Resident for the name

use gloves all the way from writing the 'letter' printing it, sealing the package and sending it... then throw the gloves away.... that's if you're really really reallly noid... if you feel the need to be this paranoid, it might be better to drive the damn thing to the destination....


Well-Known Member
so is there anyway to mail a letter without having to put ur return address? trying to mail something but can't leave evidence of where it was sent from. or maybe could i use a fake return address?? please help a pothead out!
all letters have a post mark it says where it mailed from. thai is unless your not in the us. look at any letter you still have the envlope for its over the stamp i can tell when my mom sent a leter to me i tell her all the time how long it took to get to me from where she lives. granted sometimes it is smeared and hard to read but i know where she sends it from. i mostly look at the date and time of the post mark. the post mark is the stamp they put on the postage stamp to keep it from being used over and over so youi have to buy new stamps to send letters.the only letters that don't get those are the envolpes that have no stamp needed f mailed in the (for me its the us).


Never use US Mail, Always Ship overnight FedEx or UPS, using a prepaid unnamed credit card and fake name, just drop the package off at a drop site.


Active Member
Would i be able to put the person i want it sent to as the sender, and just not put a stamp on, therefore it gets sent back to the supposed "sender". seems like it could work. anymore suggestions? plus rep no doubt


Well-Known Member
don't try to defraud the sender. put a stamp on it, do everything as legit as you can......

make up a return address and that's that...


Well-Known Member
put the return address as the local cop shop just for shits and gigs haha just make sure u put enough postage on it.


Well-Known Member
Any return address in the world will work just fine. Its only used if its being returned to you anyway.

The only identifying piece of marking on any envelope that gets delivered is the one that the post office cancels the postage at. It'll have the date, post offices name and zip code. That's it.

You can also buy a UPS Store mailbox somewhere, and then mail them mail to re-forward to you. This will cost you about $100 a year, but it works nationwide.


Back in the mid '90s, a friend of mine went to Jamaica. He bought some smoke and mailed two packages to his home address, no return address. He later received only one of them, but he didn't get in trouble with the law.


Active Member
Yeah you really can i had a buddy do this all the time, it was his way of "fucking the system" lol


Well-Known Member
<<Ebay powerseller - I ship packages several times a week - I use all the services - the best one for your situation is FedEX - When I moved across the country I shipped some of my things via FedEX Ground service - used the new address as the return address - pay cash and IF they ask, tell them you're moving and sending the items to yourself. Easy as pie.


Well-Known Member
Unless you're using express or mailing something international a return address isn't required. If you're shipping anything under 13oz goto the USPS find out how much it is to ship it, put that in an envelope with enough stamps to cover the cost. Your done. Assuming you don't want it back if it can't be delivered makes the return address a moot point. They'll just trash it.