How to lower ph without chemicals?


Well-Known Member
if you grow in dwc why are you worried about using chemicals, isn't that what dwc is?. ph up and down cost about 10 bucks a liter and will last til the cows come home


Well-Known Member
What he said , does your nutes sway your PH any ? Mabey find one on the acid side . Apple Cider vinegar works better than lemon juice and seems to be more stable . I'm a soil gardener though .


Active Member
believe it or not you can use battery acid to lower ph and 100% lye to raise it, these have to be dissolved in water before you can use them, the info is here somewhere on what amounts to use.(I had them written down but cant find it)also when you add nutes to the water your ph will drop(its best to adjust the ph in the water before adding nutes)by alot, if my water is around 7 on ph I have to add 10 drops of ph up to get it to 5.8 to 6.0 also if your useing decent nutes you ph should stabilize,thats the problem with vinegar and baking soda its not stabile and dissapates in a short time so you will be constantly trying to maintain your ph. if you buy the battery acid and lye you will have enough to last you a lifetime for just a few bucks.


Well-Known Member
Why the fuck would someone want to pour lye or battery acid into water for their plants? The dude asked for a chemical free solution, do either of those sound organic to you? :roll: WOW.... I'll stick with PH up and down, thanks...

believe it or not you can use battery acid to lower ph and 100% lye to raise it, these have to be dissolved in water before you can use them, the info is here somewhere on what amounts to use.(I had them written down but cant find it)also when you add nutes to the water your ph will drop(its best to adjust the ph in the water before adding nutes)by alot, if my water is around 7 on ph I have to add 10 drops of ph up to get it to 5.8 to 6.0 also if your useing decent nutes you ph should stabilize,thats the problem with vinegar and baking soda its not stabile and dissapates in a short time so you will be constantly trying to maintain your ph. if you buy the battery acid and lye you will have enough to last you a lifetime for just a few bucks.


Active Member
Why the fuck would someone want to pour lye or battery acid into water for their plants? The dude asked for a chemical free solution, do either of those sound organic to you? :roll: WOW.... I'll stick with PH up and down, thanks...
I clearly understand what he was asking and was only trying to give some advice and save a few bucks,with all the posts you have you have been growing for some time I find it odd that you have never read whats in those bottles,I have ph down that says on the front of the bottle ACID and the saftey warning says will cause burns,ph up says BASE and the saftey warning is the same these are general hydroponics products. so wow I guess we are useing the same stuff after all


Well-Known Member
My PH down is based on citric acid and phosphorous acid, naturally occurring. I challenge you to use it in your car battery cells.... As for lye, don't get me started, that is highly corrosive and lethal. We are hardly using the same products.

I clearly understand what he was asking and was only trying to give some advice and save a few bucks,with all the posts you have you have been growing for some time I find it odd that you have never read whats in those bottles,I have ph down that says on the front of the bottle ACID and the saftey warning says will cause burns,ph up says BASE and the saftey warning is the same these are general hydroponics products. so wow I guess we are useing the same stuff after all